New - cloud based communication!
Added communication thru wrHub @ PolyPress - easy and convinient connect, without need of proffesional IT support, just plug in, and it works!
You could try it right now - we have a demo device waiting!
New devices 8WebRelays4In and 4WebRelays4InBox now adds 4 digital inputs, used to monitor the status of sensors, actuators, etc.
Also added interface for remote digital thermometer, used to control heating systems, boilers etc.
8WebRelays/4WebRelays4In is a part of hardware/software platform used to control electrical machines or appliances via Internet.
Each relay could be configured to act:
- as push button, with desired amount of hold time (click-clack type)
- as a regular switch (on/off type)
- as a programmed relay, controlled by a weekly timer
- each relay could be named as you wish
- power LED indication (red)
- protection against wrong polarity
- LED indication showing status of every relay
- push buttons for direct operating of relays (according to their types)
- LED indication for connection and operation status
- all settings and timer programs are saved and restored after power loss
Added interface for the new type of devices - 8WebRelays4In, which in addition to 8 outputs, now adds 4 digital inputs, thus adds backfeed of the status of the controlled device, used to monitor the status of sensors, actuators, etc.
Also added interface for digital thermometer, used to control heating systems, boilers etc.
Added communication thru wrHub@PolyPress - easy and convinient connect (cloud based communication), without need of proffesional IT support.
You could test the real device here: (user: admin pass: 12345)
For the Android App to access the demo device, try using wrHub mode, and set MAC addr: 00:1E:C0:4D:DD:2F, do not change the default user code.
Manifactured by ©SIRIUS-PCB & KRASI, you can buy the device visiting our online store
Device customising or other developments are possible upon your request!
For technical or usage questions, please contact me at e-mail:
This version of 8WebRelays / 4 Web Relays 4 In Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of 8WebRelays / 4 Web Relays 4 In Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.