Afghanistan Wallpapers has large collection of high quality Afghanistan photos free for Android devices. The wallpapers are sorted into different categories to easily navigate. The wallpapers, photos, images or pictures (terms used interchangeably) has no copyright or any watermark text on it. These photos are collected from different sources including individuals and free online web sources. The application represent the natural beauty of Afghanistan, has huge number of ancient photographs, flags, public figures and etc.
Ancient photos collection contains public figures, war, infrastructures, events and etc photos. The landscape category has photos from different provinces of Afghanistan and include but not limited to: rivers, mountains, national parks, infrastructures and many more photos. The public figure contains photos of former presidents, warriors, writers and well-known personalities.
The application is not offline and needs internet connection. Adding large number of photos inside the application increases the size of the application and will create difficulties for slow-internet-users to download the application. But the application cache the viewed photos and next time the users don't need to retrieve same photo from server which is once viewed.
The application works on both smart-phones and tablets based on Android operating system.
Application Features:
- High quality Afghanistan Wallpapers.
- Large number of wallpapers and photos.
- Organized by category.
- Set as Desktop/ Screen (Wall) feature.
- Share with friends.
- Add to favourites.
Application Permissions:
The application updates regularly to add new wallpapers and photos into it. The users are also welcome to send wallpapers and photos, and will be added after review.
Please don't hesitate to contact us, if you found anything wrong in terms of graphic, text or anything which needs correction.
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Note: Please don't download the application if you are looking for offline application.
This version of Afghanistan Wallpapers Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Afghanistan Wallpapers Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.