It's sometimes very handy to find actual age and days between two dates.
This is a very easy age calculator to calculate your actual age and find days between two dates.
Age Calculator provides you best and easy calculation of you age and remaining days of your next coming birthday or anniversary. No need to remember your family members, friend’s birthday & calculate their age individual. Here you can easily calculate all of them age.
In Age calculator extra Calculation used to give details that today you are total of days, total months, total years, total weeks. Age Calculator has been designed and developed with for easy to use all member function.
In the Age Calculator app you can know the details of your age, such as:
* The number of months of your life so far
* The number of days of your life
* The number of hours of your life
* The number of minutes of your life
* The number of seconds of your life
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This app would be updated frequently with more new cute images come.
1: You can save Image.
2: Zooming facilities
3: Facility to save the images to SD card.
4: Next, Previous button.
5: Offline gallery images.
6: You can share with Friends.
7: You can set any image as a wallpaper.
If you have any question regarding this application just email us.
This version of Age Calculator (Offline) Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Age Calculator (Offline) Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.