Locate Buddy Enables you to track your buddies locations on the maps. Once this app is installed on mobile, user has to register his valid mobile number with this app. After doing this, OTP (One Time Password) is sent to registered phone number to check its availability. Additionally, users can invite his contacts to join this app.
Locate Buddy comes loaded with features such as user can share his location with all or selected buddies, track buddies on maps (only if they have shared location with you), and more. If your buddy’s location is available currently, it is highlighted with Green pin, whereas if location is not available, it is displayed by Orange pin. Furthermore, it is easy to check buddies locations on map and all that in fraction of seconds.
Features of this application are:
Invite your contacts to join Locate Buddy Network.
Share your locations with your contacts/Buddies.
Track your Buddies locations on the maps.
Check which buddy is available nearby you.
Locate Buddy App is Very simple and Easy to Use.
It is Useful for Every One !!!
We value your feedback and thanks for downloading.
This App is Published by Alleviate IT Consultancy Private Limited, New Delhi, India has a legal copyright © 2015 Alleviate IT Consultancy (P) Ltd, All rights reserved.
This version of AITC Locate Buddy Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of AITC Locate Buddy Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.