**UPDATE 20150623**
I could not find my old password for the original keystore so I'm getting the AlertMe certificate fixed APK here
A convenient mobile interface for the self-installed AlertMe home monitoring system. Check up on the state of your home at a glance, and remotely control smart-plugs or arm/disarm the hub.
Yes, this is open sourced here: http://code.google.com/p/alertme-for-android/
Your AlertMe details are stored in your phone for convenient access - this app does not communicate with anything else other than the AlertMe API.
Please note that AlertMe limits the API use to something like 1k function calls, so there is a simple caching mechanism to help not reach that.
The main aim for this app is to perform a subset of the functions of the original 'Classic' web interface, presented in an easier mobile form. The roadmap is to integrate the 'eco/energy' aspects eventually.
A user has reported an issue with non alphanumeric characters for the username/password - this is still being investigated (time of writing: 20121214, issue raised: 20121202)
** TO APP PROMOTERS (as of Sept 13 2013 onwards) **
I have made the deliberate decision to make this a free-to-download app, so I am not interested in promoting/advertising it. If you do still contact me (which I provide mainly for *app* related feedback) I will immediately report your emails as spam
This version of AlertDroid Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of AlertDroid Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.