MediQ醫療輕鬆排 (掛號+看診進度) 5.1.0 Icon

MediQ醫療輕鬆排 (掛號+看診進度)

EzQ Inc. Medical
905 Ratings
Feb 22, 2018
release date
36.7 MB
file size

What's New

1. 老用戶們熟悉的「叮咚!」叫號通知回來了!已修復「叫號通知推播」功能。

2. 掛號支援外籍人士居留證號碼。

3. 修正選擇日期時,部分文字被遮蔽問題。

About MediQ醫療輕鬆排 (掛號+看診進度) Android App

1. 獨家叫號通知功能,隨時獲得最新候診進度!上千家診所開通「叫號通知」功能,並且陸續開通「掛號功能」!

2. 收錄全省2萬多家醫療院所的資訊!包含各大醫院的「線上掛號」與「候診進度」網址。歡迎您提供尚未收錄到的醫院資訊,我們會馬上加入。

3. 可透過衛星定位尋找最近的醫療院所,快速計算最佳到達路徑。

4. 關鍵字搜尋 讓您更快找到需要的醫療資源,還可以把常用的院所加入我的最愛喔!

5. 獨家與最多診所、醫院以及醫療系統廠商合作(包括:展望亞洲、耀聖資訊、方鼎資訊、國泰電腦... 等)。歡迎更多醫院與醫療系統一起加入全國最大的醫療資訊平台「MediQ 醫療輕鬆排」

6. 您想發布診所的即時訊息給廣大的 MediQ 用戶嗎?趕快申請加入「院所訊息推播平台」吧!目前已經有多家診所搶先使用,透過「跑馬燈」與「即時推播」功能,持續與用戶建立良好的醫病互動關係嘍~申請網址: (注意:本服務僅供院所申請)


「MediQ 醫療輕鬆排」─ 是一款便捷有效率的醫療服務 App,將掛號服務及診間叫號進度,簡潔地呈現於智慧型手機!


現在,您只要使用智慧型手機的「MediQ 醫療輕鬆排」就能輕鬆在手機上查詢候診進度!您可以在家休息、在診所附近逛街或是做你想做的事情,悠閒地等待適當時間前往院所。

除了掛號與叫號服務,您還可以利用 MediQ 輕鬆查詢附近的醫療院所,包含醫院簡介、看診醫師、交通指南、診所科別等等功能。

「MediQ 醫療輕鬆排」協助您與您的家人,讓醫療服務變得更輕鬆 EASY!


1. 問:為什麼 App 上的號碼跟現場叫號燈的號碼有所差異?而且還差很大!?
答:如果是網路品質問題,通常只是叫號數字呈現的時間差(例如延遲個十幾秒);但是當叫號數字完全天差地遠時,經常是因為院所叫號燈沒有和電腦連線造成的。 由於部分院所的叫號燈與電腦系統是獨立分開的,也就是醫師看完某患者,從電腦系統按下一位時,叫號燈不會自動跳號,而是由醫師或護士另外按下叫號燈控制器來進行叫號。這種獨立系統可以讓醫師在看診上有更多的彈性,比方當醫師看過號的患者時(或是特殊狀況患者),叫號燈不用跟著跳號,否則患者會看到號碼忽大忽小。 所以,當院所提供給 MediQ 的叫號資訊是來自於電腦系統而非叫號燈時,MediQ 的用戶就有可能看到 App 叫號跟現場叫號燈不同步的問題。這個問題可藉由院所的叫號燈與主機連線後獲得改善,惟此升級動作有賴院所端決策。造成不便敬請見諒~

2. 問:為什麼院所叫號燈沒有和電腦連線?
a. 醫師自行補修改病歷時,電腦顯示的目前看診號碼會跳動。
b. 醫師前面有護士協助衛教, 先叫號進來再出去等候。
c. 病患同一家人看診, 入診後再插號。
d. 特殊身份插號,或同號。
e. 護士修改序號。
f. 病患看診中去檢驗或打針後,回來續完診。
g. 門診看診順序,會依據現場狀況調整(過號、患者僅掛號拿藥、急診、同家人就診、患者先進行抽血檢查......)。
h. 院所保留號(就診序號逢4跳過、保留插號看診、預約保留號......)。
i. 系統裡的看診順序與門診叫號燈如果非同步,App 叫號以系統看診序為依據,故無法與門診叫號燈核對叫號是否正確。
j. 醫師確認已完診病歷(患者拿完藥,請醫師改藥、完診病人打電話來諮詢、補登打診療記錄......)。
k. 護理人員登入門診所系統,先行登打護理記錄。1. exclusive call number notification function , at any time waiting to get the latest progress! Thousands clinic opened "notification call number" feature, and have opened " registered mail function '!

2. collection of the province more than 20,000 medical institutions information ! Includes major hospitals "online registration" and "Waiting progress" URL. We welcome your information is not already included in the hospital, we will join immediately.

3. permeable GPS find the nearest medical facilities, calculate the best route to fast.

4. Keyword search allows you to quickly find needed medical resources, but also the common institutions Add to Favorites Oh!

5. exclusive partnerships with the largest clinics, hospitals and health care systems vendors (including: Prospects Asia, Yao Holy information, Fangding information, Cathay computer .. . Wait). Welcome more hospitals to join together with the medical system the nation's largest health information platform "MediQ medical relaxed row" .

6. You want to publish clinics instant messages to the vast number of MediQ users? quickly apply to join the "institutions Push message platform" now! There are already a number of clinics have early access, through the " Marquee " and " instant push "feature, sustained interaction with the user to establish a good doctor-patient myself - application URL: http: // (Note: this service is only for institutions to apply)
Has opened institutes: within days Germany Pediatric Clinic, Park Clinic, Caikun Lin pediatric clinic, the clinic should apricot, Wang Lin clinic, Chongqing otolaryngology clinic, Dejan clinics, dermatology clinics than Yang, Zhuo Yuli skin specialist clinics, Caiqi Hong ENT clinic, Liu Jialin skin specialist clinics, Quan An Tang Chinese medicine clinics, often Shen Chinese medicine clinics, dermatology clinics 101 beautiful, beautiful living dermatology clinics, clinic Kant, Chen Junming Chinese medicine clinic, Li Yuan Shun pediatric clinic, ENT sun clinic, Han Yi Tang Chinese medicine clinics, open heart mind and body psychiatric clinic, grapefruit pediatric clinics, natural medicine clinics (natural Chinese and Western medicine polyclinics), self-reliance clinic, where Jun Xuan dermatology clinic, Huang Lan Ying clinic, Li Sihui Chinese medicine clinics, Changfeng pediatrics clinic ,...Wait

[ Details ]

"MediQ medical relaxed row" ─ is a convenient and efficient medical service App, registration services and consultation between the call number schedule, succinctly presented in smartphones!

When you or your family toothache, headache, stomach pain, colds and other small ailments or busy bee and uncomfortable, but do not want to waste time waiting to see the clinic? Call to ask to see the doctor or clinic registered progress, but often can not get through and a waste of telephone charges? Advance to the clinic waiting and fear other patients in the same room, there is a risk of cross-contamination? Be careful not to report too late, and because the number and had to wait even longer? ...

Now you can use the smart phone "MediQ medical relaxed row" can easily query the progress of waiting on the phone! You can rest at home, go shopping or do you want to do in the vicinity of the clinics, leisurely waiting for the right time to go to institutions.

In addition to the registration number and call service, you can also take advantage of the nearby MediQ easily query medical institutions, hospitals include an introduction, see the attending physician, traffic guidance, the clinic divisions and more.

"MediQ medical platoon easy" to assist you with your family, make health care easier EASY!

[ FAQ ]

1. Q: Why does the number on the site called App lights with numbers vary? And a lot worse! ?
A: If you're an online quality problems, usually just called the number of digital presentation time difference (delay of ten seconds, for example); but when the called number is completely digital poles apart, because institutions often called no lights and computer connections caused . As part of the institutes called lights and computer systems are separate and distinct, that is, doctors reading a patient, when you press the one from the computer system, called the lights will not automatically jump number, but by another physician or nurse Press under lights controller called the number to call. This independent system allows physicians to see more flexibility in the clinic, such as when the patient saw a physician numbers (or special condition of the patient), called the lights do not follow the jump number, otherwise the patient will see the number suddenly large small. So, when the institutes to provide to MediQ called number information from the computer system rather than call lights, MediQ user is likely to see the problem with the site called App called the number of lights are not synchronized. This problem can be called by the institutes of the lights and the host connection improved, provided that such action depends institutes end upgrade decisions. Please forgive me inconvenience ~

2. Q: Why did not institute called lights and computer connections?
A: As to the question, the independent system allows institutions party may have greater operational flexibility, common reasons are as follows:
A. When physicians make modifications on their own medical records, computer displays the current number will jump to see the doctor.
b. There are nurses to assist doctors in front of health education, first called the number waiting to come out again.
c. the patient to see the doctor the same family, then plug it into the clinic number.
d. special status insert number, or the same number.
E. nurse modified number.
F. After the patient to see the doctor to test or injection, back finished continued consultation.
g. the clinic to see the doctor order, adjustment will be based on site conditions (over, only registered patient medication, emergency room visits with his family, first performed in patients with blood tests ......).
H. Institutes reserved number (4 skip every doctor ID, Reserved interpolation number to see the doctor, appointment reservation number ......).
i. systems in order to see the doctor and the clinic if lights called asynchronous, App called the number to see the doctor order system as the basis, it can not be called and checked clinic lights called number is correct.
j. Physicians confirm diagnosis has been completed medical records (complete patient to take the drug, your physician to change the drug, patients attending finish called to consult, fill Dundas medical records ......).
k. Login nurses clinic system, first Dundas nursing records.

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.2+
Other Sources:


This version of MediQ醫療輕鬆排 (掛號+看診進度) Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Feb 22, 2018)
armeabi-v7a x86
Minimum OS
Android 4.2+
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)