GIA 4C应用程序利用视频和互动工具向消费者演示GIA是如何对钻石的颜色、切工、净度和克拉重量进行鉴定的。此应用程序解释了GIA的D到Z颜色等级及其对钻石价值的影响、GIA净度等级及其对钻石价值的影响、影响钻石切工等级的因素,及克拉重量系统的起源。
• 钻石颜色随着GIA的 D到Z颜色等级不断变化
• 不同GIA净度等级的典型内含物及表面缺隙
• 钻石分析图及不同的切割参数对钻石切工等级的影响
• 钻石大小如何根据克拉重量的变化而变化,从而使消费者比较不同钻石的大小
• 互动GIA鉴定证书分解-帮助消费者理解GIA证书的各个部分内容
• “我的钻石购买清单”可让消费者记录他们看过并考虑过的钻石。只需在清单中输入钻石相关信息,包括报告编码,4C信息,价格,零售商地址以及联系方式即可。
• 有关荧光、常见钻石处理方式、合成钻石和仿制钻石信息。
• 直接进入GIA证书验证-GIA在线钻石鉴定证书、钻石鉴定精简版证书数据库。消费者只需输入GIA证书编码和克拉重量便可验证GIA证书内容,并查看证书的PDF版本。
• 零售商查询工具可让消费者找到销售GIA鉴定的钻石和/或有GIA培训的员工的零售商。查询:
- 在店内和/或网上销售
- 仅网上销售
• GIA分级系统已更新
• GIA证书解析已更新
• GIA 4C标准视频已更新
• 错误修复 GIA 4C applications using video and interactive tools to consumers how GIA grades diamonds for color, cut, clarity and carat weight of. This application explains the GIA color grade of D to Z and its impact on the value of diamonds, GIA clarity grade and its impact on the value of diamonds, the origin of the factors affecting the diamond's cut grade, and carat weight of the system.
Interactive tools show:
• With the GIA diamond color D to Z color grade changing
• Different GIA clarity grade of typical inclusions and surface missing gap
• Impact analysis chart and diamond cutting parameters for different grades of diamond cut
• diamond carat weight based on the size of how change, thereby enabling consumers to compare different sizes of diamonds
• Interactive GIA certificate of authenticity decomposition - to help consumers understand the various parts of GIA certificate
More features:
• "My Diamond Wish List" allows consumers to record their read and considered the diamond. Just enter the diamond-related information in the list, including reporting coding, 4C information, price, address and contact information to the retailer.
• For fluorescence, a common approach diamonds, synthetic diamonds and imitation diamonds information.
• direct access to GIA certificate validation-GIA online diamond certification, diamond identification Lite certificate database. Consumers simply enter the code and carat weight. GIA GIA certificate can verify the contents and view the PDF version of the certificate.
• Retailers query tool that allows consumers to find the selling GIA certified diamonds and / or GIA trained staff retailer. Enquiries:
- Store and / or online sales
- Only online sales
1.3 version of the update are:
• GIA grading system has been updated
• GIA certificate parsing updated
• GIA 4C standard video has been updated
• Bug Fix
This version of GIA 4C指南 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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