영상을 이용한 건강상태 및 질병예측 서비스(Galaxy S7 전용)
Smart Health Ver 2.1 의 경우, Galaxy S7에 최적화 되어있어, 측정시에 타 기종의 스마트 디바이스보다 생체신호 측정 결과가 더욱 정확합니다.
* 생체신호 측정
얼굴 영상을 촬영하여 맥박, 호흡, 혈압, 산소포화도 및 스트레스 지수를 측정하여 당신의 건강상태를 확인해보세요.
* 질병 진단
손가락을 통해 심장병, 부정맥 및 당신의 건강상태를 확인해보세요.Health and disease forecasting service using a video (Galaxy S7 only)
In the case of Smart Health Ver 2.1, it is optimized for the Galaxy S7, to bio-signal measurement results more accurate than other models of smart devices at the time of measurement.
* Biological Signal Measurement
Taking a facial image measuring pulse, respiration, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and stress index to check the status of your health.
* Disease Diagnosis
Check out heart disease, arrhythmias, and your health status with your finger.
This release of 생체신호(맥박 호흡 혈압 등) 추출 Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of 생체신호(맥박 호흡 혈압 등) 추출 Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.