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爱尔兰华人志是一家专注于爱尔兰新闻资讯与华人信息分享交流的平台,我司秉承用户为中心的服务理念,将多渠道资讯以及华人需求信息聚合展示。目前拥有独立站点、新浪微博以及微信公众号等传媒平台,各平台实现信息同步和实时推送。目前各平台日均访问量均在5000人次以上, 其中70%用户位于爱尔兰,20%在中国境内,其余用户分布世界各地,具有非常有效的影响力和宣传力。Ireland is a focus on Chinese Chi Irish News and the Chinese information-sharing platform for the exchange Division I uphold the concept of user-centered service, multi-channel information, and Chinese demand aggregation show. Currently it has a separate site, Sina Weibo and WeChat public numbers and other media platforms, each platform and real-time push synchronization of information. At present the platform average daily volume of 5,000 people, of which 70% of users in Ireland, 20% in China, the rest of the distribution of users around the world, has a very effective influence and propaganda power.
This version of 爱尔兰华人志 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
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