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[ 싸.게.사.자 패션선생! ]
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" 매일매일 마일리지 적립받고 싸게 쇼핑하자! "
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1) 똑똑~ 어디에서 오셨어요? 패션선생에서 왔습니다~ 반가워요~
2) 마음에 드는 옷을 사고 싶은 곳에서 GET하고 패셔니스타
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[ 패션선생 대표 쇼핑몰 ]
★ 국내 최대 인기쇼핑몰 1,500여개 쇼핑몰 입점
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[ 패션선생 더 알아보기! ]
- 문의 : support1@intopad.co.kr
- 홈페이지 : http://www.stapp.kr
- 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/fashionsunsaeng
- 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/fashiont_official
- 네이버 포스트 : http://post.naver.com/intop236[Introduction of new features;
★ Review collected viewing
- You can check the seller Product Reviews at the mall.
★ Price adding a filter function
- You can view the items you want to sort by price price filter.
[Cheap. Shop. Four characters fashion teacher! ]
★ super shopping benefits
- One, earning 2000 won Register
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"Let's get shopping and earn miles every day cheap!"
[Fashion teachers to take advantage of 200%;
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1) only if 1-5 won mileage clothes click on your favorite! 2 Nuclear income!
2) Register and login to celebrate when the first reserve a Cow!
02. Women / men enjoy shopping in one place!
1) This week's top shopping malls and hottest products at a time can view rankings together!
2) Store-specific, by product style and price comparison shopping can be looked smart and affordable!
03. Store Instagram reported rising output Cody!
1) Country My Choi. Instagram in seconds mall shopping items immediately available!
2) New, good order through a sorting function can check the latest trends!
3) No way ... to this? Instagram account and follow the mall Like / commenting features!
04. products you like, to the mall steamed!
1) jjimhan products, can be edited and managed by creating a folder for each mall of my favorites!
2) The style and individuality through which coordination can produce your own wardrobe!
3) The appeal does not exit! Here is not the end!
05. takes. Incense. Me price! Search custom products!
1) style, choose the clothes, pick out my favorite according to age, product category ~
06. Get mall share the latest information!
1) - Exciting New eopdet jjimhan mall when providing notification!
2) excited - excited than anyone else to provide rapid notification event news!
07. Buy the favorite to go shopping!
1) Where are you from ~ smart? Nice ~ ~ the teacher has been in fashion
2) GET to where you want to buy clothes in the Fashionista favorites
08. I just want to - just like thematic exhibitions offer!
1) here and there, the same design that looks fresh and more ... is there any other Cody?
2) Meet the same clothes fashion feeling fresh CODI BOOK of other teachers!
09. Easy sign!
1) Facebook, Kakao Talk, Instagram simple login possible!
10. Share with your friends
1) "I buy Vegas?", "What do you think of this outfit?" When you want to ask a ball. U ha. Crossroads -
2) "seemed to hang clothes tell you!" When you want to recommend the ball. U ha. Crossroads -
[Fashion Mall teacher representatives;
★ 1,500 largest shopping mall popular iPhone Apps
- Women's Store: Im assembly, style flies, coveted, or Rumi, Mr. hatping, ribbon tie, this is, I AM Three, riphap, Claude Manon, 11am, Mia mask blank, gaenso, Sugar fun, night siblings, Eau, saw the Murchison , sunny, candy glow, dinteu, coco black, Joao mind, Jamie Shh, be parties, Davao me, mono Bobby Picchu, cherry Coco, Eva gave, yeopseu shop, My Bonnie, dinteu style, sixty-six Girls, Remy herd, nanninggu girl country, more Days, gurum, Hans-style opening page, just one, Wings Mall, Minji beans, Jay elves, ahtteu France, unloading button, love honey, fashion pools, Love love beauty, pretty 2% Yoyo zones, off button, gogosing, Pippin, Hebrews Fnatic, including Meg Jay
- Men's Store: meotnam, shop control group, the little man, according Mercy, Mr. Street, humming super Browse key, etc. Top Style
[Fashion teachers Learn More! ]
- Contact: support1@intopad.co.kr
- Homepage: http://www.stapp.kr
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fashionsunsaeng
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fashiont_official
- Naver Post: http://post.naver.com/intop236
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