バージョン 1.0.4
バージョン 1.0.3
Fast Note公式ページ
Fast Noteは「とにかく手軽にメモを残したい。」「どのアプリも機能が多すぎて使いにくい。」と思う人の為に、必要最低限の機能だけを実装たメモ帳アプリです。
※内部ストレージへの書き込み許可はテキストファイル保存、フォルダ作成に該当します。Fast Note official page
It is a notepad app for people who think ". You want to leave a note easily anyway" Fast Note the ". It hard to use feature is too large any application", was only implement the minimum necessary functions.
You can save a note for a sense similar to the murmur on Facebook and Twitter.
It has adopted a "flat design" in order to bring out more function.
■ How to use various
· Save the recipes you find on the Web site
Notes of the ideas that came up suddenly
, Simple notes such as hobby or study
· Plan for the day
■ Main function
Text file save
Folder created
Text share
· URL extraction
Because I want to aim a better app updates aggressive in the future, thank you.
I'm glad if you can, reviews, if it is good.
■ Notes
※ I do not communicate in our app, but there is the possibility of communication in an external browser.
※ permission to write to the internal storage to save text file, I will apply to the folder created.
This version of Fast Note ~最速つぶやき風メモ帳~ Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Fast Note ~最速つぶやき風メモ帳~ Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.