CHIHLEE致理人專屬APP! 讓你行動集點「碼」ㄟ通喔
特 色:
請店老闆們提供「消費券」讓致理人可以「憑點數換領」;現在只要您擁有點數,餐餐都有機會省下 50, 100 元喔~
1.) 您可以至致理商圈特約店家「索取消費贈點條碼」,並使用APP中馬上QR-Code 掃一下,即可獲得點數;
2.) 我們會定期傳送「贈點訊息」給您,只要「開啟訊息」即可獲得點數;
3.) 透過輸入「贈點序號」獲得點數
4.) 邀請朋友一起使用「致理人」也可以額外獲得點數喔
使用者可以直接透過「致理人」 將點數換領優惠劵!兌換優惠時,將優惠劵的折扣代碼提供給店家服務人員即可兌換。
*合作店家將保有最終電子消費劵的解釋權CHIHLEE Chihlee people dedicated APP! Let your actions set point "code" Oh where did pass
CHIHLEE Chihlee human APP can help you save money is a life tool, we gathered through a variety of gift shops Chihlee district Point Events
Please shop owner to provide "vouchers" so that people can Chihlee "With Points redemption"; Now as long as you have the points, every meal has the opportunity to save 50, 100 yuan Oh ~
How to Set Point:
1) You can go to the store Chihlee district special "bonus points to obtain consumer bar code" and use the APP in the sweep immediately QR-Code, you can get points;
2) We will regularly send "gift points messages" to you, as long as the "Open Message" to get points;
3) earn points by entering a "gift point number."
4) Invite friends used together "Chihlee people" can also receive an additional point oh
How to use coupons:
Users can directly through the "Chihlee people" will point redemption coupon! When exchange offer, the discount coupon code can be provided to the Exchange store service personnel.
* All electronic goods voucher stores offer rests Alliance
* Cooperation stores will retain the ultimate right to interpret the electronic voucher
This version of 致理人 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of 致理人 Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.