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每日一湯水 免費版 1 APK Download for Android
每日一湯水 免費版 1 Icon

每日一湯水 免費版

Red Bean Systems Ltd Health & Fitness
53 Ratings
Jan 30, 2016
release date
2.2 MB
file size

About 每日一湯水 免費版 Android App

古云:『家有一老,如有一寶』,很多傳統智慧如中醫藥及食療湯水等知識瑰寶,是靠”手口相傳”,一代一代的流傳下去。但現在年青的一代,不像以往一樣;成長或結婚後會搬離父母自住,煲湯、中藥等傳統知識就不可傳承。 有見及此,為了推廣、傳承中醫藥食療及湯水的中國文化,我們特邀香港註冊中醫麥文安博士〈麥博士擁有南京中醫藥大學內科學博士學位,專研脾胃科疾 病〉,以專業角度編審本電子書之湯水。中醫把食物湯水分為四類,寒、涼、溫、熱。為了協調人體平衡,對一些虛寒體質人士,便需進食溫熱類食物或湯水;對於一些溫熱體質人士,應吸取寒涼類食物或湯水,從而達-
到養生和保健效果。所以飲用湯水不能隨便,要因應各人不同體質,季節來配合。錯吃不但沒效果,會令身體抵抗力減弱更容易患病,不可不知。所以本系統已把每一篇湯水以圖像形式,清楚指明適合那種體質人士服用:- 本系統特色 1) 體質分析 (加強版) 分析您的體質寒底熱底或中性 2) 多角度湯水分類,如: • 寒熱分類 • 四季分類 • 常見疾病;等 令讀者更容易找到合適自己的湯水 3) 書籤功能 記下您最喜愛的湯水 4) 搜尋功能 一煲靚湯不但能增強身體抵抗力,預防疾病,也是長輩對下一代愛的體現。希望本平台能對這傳統智慧作一些貢獻及對喜愛飲食的人士給予一個專業的選擇。 Gu Yun: "an old house, a treasure," a lot of conventional wisdom, such as soups, etc. Chinese medicine and therapeutic knowledge treasures, depending on the "hand to mouth", handed down from generation to generation. But now the younger generation is not as usual; grow or move out of their parents after marriage occupied, soup, medicine and other traditional knowledge of non heritage. In view of this, in order to promote the heritage of Chinese medicine soup diet and culture, we invited the Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Mak Man Leung , a professional point of view The book's editor soup. TCM, food soups divided into four categories, cold, cold, warm, hot. In order to coordinate the body balance, physical treatment for some people, they need to eat hot foods or soups; For some warm body who should draw cold foods or soups, so as to achieve -
To health and health effects. So not just drinking the soup, in response to each different physical, season to match. Not only did not eat the wrong results, will make the body more susceptible to disease resistance weakened, may not know. Therefore, this system has a soup every form of images, clearly specified as suitable for the kind of physical persons taking: - This system features 1) physical analysis (Enhanced Version) analyzes your body heat cold bottom end or neutral 2) multi-angle soups categories such as: • chills • Classification • Category Four Seasons common diseases; etc. to make it easier for readers to find their own soup 3) Write down the bookmark function of your favorite soup 4) search a soup pot not only can enhance the body resistance , disease prevention, but also for the next generation of elders manifestation of love. Hope that this platform can make some contribution to this conventional wisdom, and for those who love food to give a professional choice.

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 2.1+ (Eclair MR1, API 7)
Other Sources:


This version of 每日一湯水 免費版 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Jan 30, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 2.1+ (Eclair MR1, API 7)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

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