提供跑步,踩單車的路線計時卡路里消耗, 透過消耗卡路里計算食物量, 希望大家能珍惜食物
在忙碌的生活環境下,現代都市人愈來愈注重健康,除了從飲食方面著手,培養一個適當的運動習慣亦非常重要,亦正因如此,各式各樣的運動文化在社會上逐步普及。舉辦參與不同形式的運動活動,將活動中參加者所消耗的卡路里由專業註冊營養師計算出來並轉化為同等卡路里 (或更多) 食物,以不同形式捐贈予社會上有需要人士或慈善團體,為他們籌集食物,共同建立一個可持續發展健康生活的社會。讓運動流每一滴汗更有意義!
減肥, 跑步器, 卡路里計時器, 記錄路線Providing running, riding a bicycle route timing calorie consumption, calculated by the amount of food consumed calories, hope that we can cherish food
In a busy environment, modern city increasingly focus on health, apart from dietary aspects, develop an appropriate exercise habits is also very important, also because of this, a variety of sports culture gradually spread in the community. Involved in different forms of organized sports activities, the activities of participants in the calculation of the calories consumed by a professional registered dietitian out and converted into an equivalent calories (or more) of food in different forms donated to those in need or charities in the community, for them to raise food, healthy life together to build a society of sustainable development. Let every drop of sweat streaming sports more meaningful!
Weight loss, running, calories timer record route
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