تطبÙ٠تÙبÙÙ ÙÙاش Ù
ات Ùرسائ٠.
Ùعتبر تطبÙ٠تÙبÙÙ ÙÙاش Ù
ات Ùرسائ٠Ù
٠بÙ٠اÙاÙثر اÙتطبÙÙات استعÙ
اÙا Ùظرا ÙاÙÙ
Ùت٠اÙت٠ارتبطة بتطÙر اÙÙات٠اÙØ°Ù Ø§ØµØ¨Ø Ù
٠بÙ٠اÙاساسÙات .
ÙÙبدة سرÙعة ع٠Ù
صدر ÙÙرة تÙبÙÙ ÙÙاش Ù
ات Ùرسائ٠ÙÙجد اÙÙا ظÙرت ÙÙØ· Ù٠اÙاÙا٠اÙاخÙر اذ اÙتشÙت اÙدرسات ا٠اÙضÙØ¡ اÙثر ثاثÙرا Ù
٠اÙصÙت Ùا٠اÙصÙت بعد Ù
دة Ù
٠تÙرار٠ÙÙÙ٠اÙعÙ٠غÙر Ù
ب٠ع٠عÙس اÙضÙØ¡ ا٠ÙÙاش ÙÙذا تÙ
اÙÙ ÙÙاشعار .
ا Ùخص ÙÙرة تÙÙÙر Ùذا اÙتطبÙ٠اÙخاص تÙبÙÙ ÙÙاش Ù
ات Ùرسائ٠ÙÙد اÙØªØ±Ø Ù
Ùعة Ù
٠تطبÙÙاتÙا اÙسابÙØ© اذ ابد٠رغبتÙÙ
Ù٠اÙØصÙ٠عÙ٠اداة جدÙد تÙÙر ÙÙÙ
تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاشعارات ٠عÙد اÙÙ
Ø© ٠اÙرسائ٠اÙÙصÙØ© ٠غÙرÙا .
ثابر ÙرÙ٠اÙعÙ
Ù Ùاخذ اÙÙÙرة بجدÙØ© ٠اÙشرÙع Ù٠تطبÙÙÙا ٠تطÙÙرÙا ÙØ°Ù٠باضاÙØ© خصائص جدÙدة تجع٠Ù
٠تطبÙ٠تشغÙ٠ضÙØ¡ اÙاشعارات جد اØتراÙÙ Ù Ù
ختÙÙ ÙاÙ
ج اÙاخر٠تÙÙÙ
بتشغÙ٠ضÙØ¡ ÙÙاش سرÙع عÙد رÙÙ٠اÙÙات٠ÙÙØ· دÙÙ Ø°ÙÙ .
Ùب٠اÙشرÙع ÙÙ Ø°Ùر اÙخصائص اÙÙ
Ø·Ùرة اÙت٠تÙ
ادراجÙا Ù٠برÙاÙ
ج تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاشعارات ٠اداة ÙÙاش عÙد اÙÙ
ات ٠اÙرسائ٠سÙتÙ
Ù٠اÙتطبÙ٠ببعض ÙÙاط Ù
Ø© .
طبÙا ÙÙتØدÙØ« اÙØاÙÙ Ù٠سÙاسة Ù
Ø·Ùر٠اÙتطبÙÙات ÙÙجب عÙÙÙا ا٠ÙØ°Ùر Ù
Ù٠اÙتطبÙÙات بجÙ
Ùع اÙتراخÙص اÙÙ
ÙØ© Ù٠اÙتطبÙÙ Ù Ø°ÙÙ Ù
سÙاسة اÙخصÙصÙØ© .
اÙÙا اÙتطبÙÙ ÙستخدÙ
ترخÙص اÙÙÙاش Ù Ø°ÙÙ Ù
٠اج٠اصدار ÙÙاش ÙاÙت تÙبÙÙات اثÙاء ÙجÙد اشعار ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاتصا٠ÙاÙرسائ٠.
ثاÙÙا Ù
٠اج٠اصدر ÙÙاش اÙتÙبÙ٠عÙ٠اÙÙ
ات اÙÙاردة Ùجب تÙÙر ترخÙص ÙÙاستشعار ÙرÙد Ù
Ø© .
ثاÙثا ٠تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاشعارات Ùجب تÙÙر ترخÙص Ø٠اÙÙصÙ٠اÙ٠اشعارات اÙتطبÙÙات اÙاخر٠.
رابعا اÙتطبÙÙ ÙتÙÙر عÙ٠اعÙاÙات Ù
٠اج٠جعÙÙ Ù
جاÙÙ Ùذا ÙظÙÙر اÙاعÙاÙات ÙØ°ÙÙ ÙعÙÙ ÙجÙب ترخÙص استخداÙ
Ùع Ø°Ù٠بÙطع اÙاÙترÙÙت ع٠اÙÙات٠Ùجع٠اÙتطبÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاتصا٠ÙاÙرسائ٠بدÙÙ Ùت ÙÙ Ù٠تتÙ
خاصÙØ© اÙتÙبÙ٠اÙضÙئ٠عÙÙ Ù ÙÙاش اشعارات ÙÙتطبÙÙات .
Ùرج٠Ùراءة Ù٠سÙاسة اÙخصÙصÙØ© Ùب٠اÙشرÙع Ù٠استخداÙ
Ù٠اÙجاد اÙرابط اÙخاص بÙا Ù٠اÙتطبÙÙ Ù ÙÙ Ù
تجر اÙتطبÙ٠عÙÙ Ù
Ùصة جÙج٠بÙا٠.
بعد تÙضÙØ ÙÙ Ù
ا ÙتعÙ٠بسÙاسة اÙخصÙصÙØ© سÙÙ
ر ا٠ÙÙتÙت٠ÙØ°Ùر اÙخاصÙات اÙت٠تجع٠تطبÙ٠تÙبÙÙ ÙÙاش Ù
ات Ùرسائ٠Ù
Ø·Ùر Ù
ÙارÙØ© باÙتطبÙÙات اÙاخر٠.
Ùصدر اÙتطبÙ٠صÙت ٠ضÙØ¡ ÙÙاش سرÙع عÙد رÙÙ٠اÙÙات٠Øسب اختÙار Ù
Ù٠اذ ÙÙ
Ù٠اعدادت ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاتصا٠٠ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاشعارات ÙاختÙار اÙتÙبÙ٠اÙضÙئ٠اÙÙ
Ùاسب ÙÙ .
ÙابÙÙØ© استخداÙ
خاصÙØ© ÙÙاش Ø£ÙÙرت Ù
٠اج٠تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاشعارات اÙÙاردة Ù
٠تطبÙÙات اÙتÙاص٠اÙاجتÙ
ÙابÙÙØ© استخداÙ
ضÙØ¡ ÙÙاش Ù
ÙÙÙ ÙÙÙÙاش عÙ٠رساÙØ© ÙصÙØ© ا٠ÙÙÙاش ÙÙ٠اÙاشعارات ÙÙ٠ا٠Ùا٠ÙاتÙÙ ÙدعÙ
ÙÙاش Ù
ج ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاتصا٠ÙاÙرسائ٠.
ÙخطÙØ© اÙÙ٠بعد اÙتØÙ
ج ÙÙاش اÙÙ
ات ٠اÙرسائ٠بعدÙا ÙÙ
ÙاÙÙØ© عÙ٠سÙاÙØ© اÙخصÙصÙØ© .
اÙخطÙØ© اÙثاÙÙØ© Ù٠تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙ٠اÙÙ
ات ٠اÙرسائ٠اÙÙصÙرة ÙØ°Ù٠ع٠طرÙ٠اÙضغط عÙ٠زر اÙتشغÙ٠اÙÙ
ÙجÙد ÙÙ Ùسط اÙتطبÙÙ
اÙخطÙØ© اÙثاÙثة خاصة بتغÙÙر اعدادت ÙØ°Ù٠ع٠طرÙ٠بÙابة اعدادات اÙت٠تØÙ
ز ٠اÙÙÙÙØ© اعداد .
اÙخطÙØ© اÙرابعة ٠اÙاخÙرة Ù٠خطÙØ© تجربة ÙÙاءة تطبÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙاتصا٠ÙاÙرسائ٠بدÙÙ Ùت ÙØ°Ù٠ع٠طرÙ٠استÙبا٠Ù
ات ٠رسائ٠ÙصÙØ© Ù
٠شخص Ù
ا Ù Ù
ÙاØظة ا٠اÙتطبÙÙ ÙعÙ
٠دÙÙ Ù
شاÙÙ .
ÙتÙØ®Ùص شاÙ
ا Ø°Ùر سابÙا ÙاÙتطبÙÙ Ù٠عبارة ع٠اداة ٠برÙاÙ
ج اشارة ضÙئÙ٠عÙ٠اÙÙ
ات اذ ÙتÙ
تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد اÙÙ
ات اÙÙاردة تÙÙائÙا اÙØ·ÙاÙا Ù
٠اÙتطبÙ٠اÙØ°Ù Ùشعر Ù
Ù Øت٠ع٠ر٠اÙÙات٠ÙØ°Ù٠ع٠طرÙÙ ÙÙاش عÙد ر٠اÙÙات٠.
ا اتÙ
Ù٠ا٠ÙÙÙ٠تطبÙ٠تشغÙÙ ÙÙاش اÙÙات٠عÙد إتصا٠Ùارد بÙ
عÙ٠اخر تشغÙ٠اشعارات اÙÙ
ات اÙÙاردة باÙÙات٠Ùد اÙا٠اعجابÙÙ
Ùذا Ùا تتردد٠ÙÙ Ù
راسÙتÙا .Flash application alert messages and calls.
Flash Alert application calls and messages from among the most widely used applications is due to the importance that the development of Artbth phone, which has become one of the basics.
Fast Knbdh source idea Flash Alert calls and messages, we find it only appeared in the last discovered as late Studies that more light Thathira sound because the sound after a period of repeated the mind is not interested in doing Ay dimmable any Flash has been used for this notice.
As for the idea of ââpelletizing this special application flash alert calls and messages has been suggested by a group of former users of our applications as Hebdo their desire to get a new tool that provides them run flash when and notices when the call and text and other messages.
Persist team took the idea seriously and initiate and develop application by adding new features make the application run light is very professional and notices different full difference from other programs are running fast flash light only when the phone ring without it.
Before proceeding to mention developed properties that have been included in the Flash driver and tool when the notifications flash when calls and messages will be Tzkrmestamla application of some important points.
According to the current updated application developers policy we Fujb to remind users of all applications used in the application and licensing in order to respect the privacy policy.
First, the application uses the flash and license it for the Flash Lite issuing alerts while a notice flash when you connect and messages.
Second, in order issued flash alert on incoming calls must provide a license for the sensor and incoming call.
Third run for Flash when notices must provide a license to access notices other applications.
Fourth application available on advertisements for monetizing and in order to make it free so the appearance of ads that means must be licensed to use the Internet but prevent by cutting the Internet on the phone to make the application flash when contact messages without Net you will not be able to use the optical alarm feature on and Flash notices for applications.
Please read each Privacy Policy before starting to use the application Inmkn to find its link in the application and in the application on the Google Play platform store.
After clarifying everything related to privacy policy or Nntguetl We're going to mention the characteristics that make the application of flash alert messages and calls developer compared to other applications.
Voice application and fast flash light released when the phone ring by selecting Used as it can control the settings when you connect flash and flash when the notifications to choose the right light alarm to him.
Usability Flash Alert property in order to run flash when the notifications received from social networking applications.
Flash usability Colorful flash light on text message or flash but that all notices your phone supports flash colorful.
Manual Flash program when you connect and messages.
As a first step after the download open flash calls and messages after the program then agree to the privacy adopted policy.
The second step is to run the flash on calls and SMS, by pressing the power button in the middle of the application
The third step is to change the special settings through the settings of the gate bearing the symbol and icon preparation.
The fourth step and the last step is the experience of the efficiency Flash application when communicating messages without Net, by receiving calls and text messages from someone and note that the application works without problems.
A comprehensive Ktkas all previously stated Valttbaiq is a tool and a reference photolithography program calls are run as flash when incoming calls automatically from the application that feels even rang his employer phone so all flash by when the phone rang.
In conclusion, I hope to have an application run flash phone when an incoming connection in other words, run notifications of incoming calls to the phone like it may not Inal so Taatrddo email us.
This version of تنبيه فلاش مكالمات و رسائل Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of تنبيه فلاش مكالمات و رسائل Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.