1. 內置意見搜集 - 讓您可以更直接俾意見我哋,知道您用得好唔好,有無幫到您! (唔駛擔心,我哋只會間唔中問,你亦都可以選擇暫時唔想俾意見我哋!)
2. 新嘅遊戲截圖令您更容易掌握遊戲功能,新手上路都容易啲喇!
3. 仲唔夠豐富?您可以去https://jcsmartfamilylink.hk/appindex/ 睇埋遊戲短片,仲可以睇埋計劃其他唔同嘅遊戲!
This release of 智放鬆 Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of 智放鬆 Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.