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어메이징 타일랜드: 푸껫은 무료 아이폰
여행 어플리케이션으로 태국정부관광청에서 제작했다. 대부분의 정보는 해외에서의 로밍 요금을 감소하도록 돕기 위해 오프라인에서도 볼 수 있게끔 제작되었다. 이 앱은 기본여행정보와 더불어 음식점, 숙소, 쇼핑센터 그리고 여러 체험 활동 등의 여행 팁을 추천하고 있다: 가는 방법과, 볼거리, 주요 관광지, 숙소, 축제, 현지 특산품, 음식점, 교육기관, 럭셔리 프로덕트 소개 등 푸껫에서 체험 할 수 있는 모든 것을 만날 수 있다. 이 어플리케이션은 또한 여러분의 위치를 파악하여 목적지까지 편리하게 이동 할 수 있게끔 할 수 있게하고 (구글 맵 내장) 또한 주변에 가 볼 만한 장소도 추천하고 다른 흥미로운 것도 5킬로미터 안에 있다면 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 (POI) 하고 있다.
공인된 기관에서 제작
80% 의 내용은 로밍 비용을 절약을 돕도록 오프라인 이용도 가능하게 제작되었다.
구글 지도를 이용한 위치 찾기 이용 서비스
본인의 즐겨찾기 북마크 기능 이용 서비스
“여행계획자(트래블 오거나이저)” 라고 불리는 여행과 관련된 모든사항을 한번에 계획 해 줘 완벽한 여행이 되게 한다. 포함사항은 ;
# 공공 서류와 자료 등과 같은 개인적인 필수 준비물 리스트
# 유용한 전화번호: 경찰서, 소방서, 구급 의료기관, 대사관
# 오디오식 유용한 태국어
# 환율계산기 (매일 업데이트된다)
# 날씨와 세계시간에 맞춘 현지지역시간
# 태국정부관광청 현지 연락처
실제로 여행하는 상황을 여행하며 노출하려면 주위의 풍경을 여러분의 아이폰 카메라로 촬영할 수 있다.
여정은 페이스북, 트위터 그리고 이메일로 다른 사람과 이메일 엽서형태로 공유 될 수 있다.
Amazing Thailand : Destination Phuket
Amazing Thailand : Phuket, is a free iPhone app travel guide by Tourism Authority of Thailand. The most of information is accessible offline in order to help avoid roaming charges abroad. This app is a combination of information and travel tips which recommend you where to eat, sleep, shop and go out: how to get there, what to see, major attractions, accomodations, festival, local special to buy and where, local food, where to enroll in education institues, where to experience the luxury products in Phuket. This application also enables you to get directions from where you are to the chosen spot (using standard API) and allows you to find interesting spots near you and search for other points of interest (POI) within a range of five kilometers.
•Written by authorized organization.
•80% of content designed for offline use to save on roaming cost.
•Geolocation using Maps.
•Bookmark your favourite venues.
•All-in-one function called “Travel Organizer” to help you plan a perfect trip which comprising of;
•# A catalog of personal assistance check lists such as, Official documents and records
# Useful numbers: police, fire, medical emergencies, embassies
# Audio Thai Phrasebook
# Currency converter ( updated daily)
# Weather and time zone for all local cities
#Chanel to contact Tourism Authority of Thailand home office.
•Traveling in Augmented Reality, you can shoot what's around you with the iPhone's camera to display Thailand at a heightened view.
Trip sharing by send message via Facebook, twitter & EmailAmazing Thailand: Phuket is a free iPhone
Applications were made to travel in Thailand Tourism. Most of the information was made available on itgekkeum offline to help reduce the roaming charges abroad. This app with basic travel information, restaurants, lodging, shopping centers and is recommended for travel tips, such as several Activities: way to go and sights, attractions, accommodation, festivals, local specialties, restaurants, educational institutions, luxury product introductions can find everything that can be experienced in Phuket. The application also makes it easy to find if you can itgekkeum can be moved conveniently to your destination to identify your position (Google Maps built-in) also recommend places to see is around and within 5 km Other interesting even (POI ) it has.
Produced from an accredited institution
Content of 80% was produced in off-line can also be used to help to save roaming fee.
Find a location with Google maps using the service
Use your favorite bookmarking service functions
The "Travel Planner (Travel Organizer)" Give to plan all aspects of travel, and that is called to be the perfect time to travel. Included are;
# Required Materials list, such as public private documents and materials
# Useful phone numbers: police, fire, emergency medical facilities, embassies
# Audio Thai style Useful
# Currency converter (updated daily) # Weather and time adjusted to their local time World
# Thailand Tourism Local Contacts
To actually travel and exposure situations can take a trip to the surrounding landscape with your iPhone camera.
The journey can be shared to Facebook, Twitter and e-mail to others and e-mail postcard forms.
Amazing Thailand: Destination Phuket
Amazing Thailand: Phuket, is a free iPhone app travel guide by Tourism Authority of Thailand. The most of information is accessible offline in order to help avoid roaming charges abroad. This app is a combination of information and travel tips which recommend you where to eat, sleep, shop and go out: how to get there, what to see, major attractions, accomodations, festival, local special to buy and where, local food, where to enroll in education institues, where to experience the luxury products in Phuket. This application also enables you to get directions from where you are to the chosen spot (using standard API) and allows you to find interesting spots near you and search for other points of interest (POI) within a range of five kilometers.
• Written by authorized organization.
• 80% of content designed for offline use to save on roaming cost.
• Geolocation using Maps.
• Bookmark your favourite venues.
• All-in-one function called "Travel Organizer" to help you plan a perfect trip which comprising of;
• # A catalog of personal assistance check lists such as, Official documents and records
# Useful numbers: police, fire, medical emergencies, embassies
# Audio Thai Phrasebook
# Currency converter (updated daily)
# Weather and time zone for all local cities
#Chanel To contact Tourism Authority of Thailand home office.
• Traveling in Augmented Reality, you can shoot what's around you with the iPhone's camera to display Thailand at a heightened view.
Trip sharing by send message via Facebook, twitter & Email
This release of 태국관광청 Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of 태국관광청 Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.