Aneka Resep Pancake 1.1 Icon

Aneka Resep Pancake

giledroid Books & Reference
57 Ratings
Jun 13, 2016
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About Aneka Resep Pancake Android App

Ini adalah aplikasi android yang berisi tentang aneka resep pancake sangat lengkap. aplikasi ini juga dapat di nikmati secara offline, jadi tanpa koneksi internet pun anda bisa menikmatinya dengan cara mendownloadnya. semoga bermanfaat untuk ibu-ibu di dapur.

Pancake dikenal sebagai makanan ringan untuk sarapan para keluarga modern. Namun, siapa sangka bila makanan ini sudah dikenal sejak zaman Romawi kuno. Wah, seperti apa ya, perjalanan kue gepeng ini?

Bila Anda penggemar segala jenis makanan, pasti kenal makanan yang satu ini. Ya, pancake namanya. Bentuknya bundar dan tipis, biasanya dinikmati hangat sebagai menu sarapan dengan saus aneka buah-buahan, seperti blueberry, raspberry, stroberi, atau madu, disertai potongan butter di puncaknya.

Pancake sebenarnya memiliki ragam rupa dan penyajian. Di berbagai negara, pancake dikonsumsi dengan gaya dan resep beragam. Ada yang dikonsumsi sebagai makanan manis, gurih, baik tipis maupun tebal. Selain itu, ada juga yang mengaitkannya dengan tradisi atau hari perayaan tertentu. Mau tahu perjalanan, ragam pancake, dan ide penyajiannya? Simak perjalanan si kue gepeng berikut!

Dari Romawi hingga Asia
Jauh sebelum pancake dikenal masyarakat Eropa, orang Romawi sebenarnya sudah mengenal pancake terlebih dahulu. Makanan berupa roti gepeng terbuat dari tepung, susu, telur, dan bumbu ini lalu dibakar di atas wajan ceper. Mereka namakan “Alita Dolcia” (artinya: makanan manis). Biasanya, orang Romawi mengonsumsi pancake dengan madu atau sirup buah-buahan.

Namun, dalam perjalanannya, manuskrip kuliner, seperti Oxford Companion to Food yang ditulis Alan Davidson, menyebutkan bahwa pancake sebagai penganan popular di Eropa. Yakni dikenal di daratan luas ini sejak sekitar tahun 1430 di abad pertengahan. Di daratan Eropa, awalnya pancake lebih dikenal sebagai makanan orang Timur Eropa, seperti Mardi Gras. Sebab, mereka menjadikan pancake sebagai makanan tradisi di hari Shrove Tuesday atau Pancake Tuesday, sehari sebelum puasa Paskah.

Pada perkembangannya, pancake juga diadopsi di berbagai negara dengan beragam nama. Di Jerman, pancake dibuat dalam bentuk yang lebih padat dan terbuat dari kentang yang disebut pfannkuchen. Di Perancis, ada pancake yang tipis dan crispy yang disebut crepes. Juga ada galettes yang lebih mengembang dan tebal, seperti roti.

Di Irlandia ada pancake padat terbuat dari kentang, dikenal dengan nama boxty. Di Skotlandia juga dikenal pancake yang diberi nama drop scones. Di Amerika, yang punya ragam percampuran budaya, pancake malah sudah dikenal masyarakat asli Indian sejak awal 1607. Mereka biasa membuat adonan lembut dari jagung dibentuk dengan tangan yang disebut nokehick.

Lalu sekitar tahun 1740, orang Belanda di Amerika membuat kue buckwheat (sorgum) yang mirip pancake. Dan pendatang Inggris memperkenalkan tradisi makan pancake di hari Selasa sebelum puasa Paskah. Baru sekitar tahun 1870-an istilah pancake dikenal secara luas di Amerika.

Tak ketinggalan, di luar Eropa seperti di India, China, juga Indonesia dikenal masakan serupa pancake. Pada masyarakat tradisional, India mengenal makanan sejenis pancake yang disebut poori. Di China juga ada pancake yang dikenal dengan nama bao bing, dan di Indonesia sendiri ada semacam pancake gurih yang diberi nama dadar gulung.

Terima Kasih
Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^It is android application which contains a variety of pancake recipe is very complete. This application can also be enjoyed offline, so no internet connection any time you can enjoy it by downloading it. may be useful for mothers in the kitchen.

Pancake known as snacks for breakfast the modern family. However, who would have thought if the food has been recognized since ancient Roman times. Well, like what ya, presscake this trip?

If you are a fan of all kinds of food, the food must know this one. Yes, pancake name. It was round and thin, usually enjoyed hot as a breakfast menu with a variety of sauces fruits, such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, or honey, accompanied by pieces of butter on top.

Pancake actually have a variety of looks and presentation. In many countries, pancakes consumed with diverse styles and recipes. There are consumed as food sweet, savory, both thin and thick. In addition, there is also associate with a particular tradition or a day of celebration. Want to know the trip, various pancakes, and presentation of ideas? Listen presscake following the trip!

From the Romans to Asia
Long before the pancakes known to the people of Europe, the Romans actually already know the pancakes first. Food in the form of squashed bread made of flour, milk, eggs, and seasoning is then burned on the griddle. They named "Alita Dolcia" (meaning: sweet foods). Typically, the Romans eating pancakes with honey or fruit syrup.

However, in its course, culinary manuscripts, such as the Oxford Companion to Food written Alan Davidson, said that the pancakes as snacks popular in Europe. Which is widely known in the mainland since about 1430 in the middle ages. In mainland Europe, initially pancake known as the Eastern European food, like Mardi Gras. Because, they make pancakes as food traditions in the Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday, the day before Easter fasting.

On development, the pancakes are also adopted in various countries with different names. In Germany, pancakes made in a more solid and made of potato called Pfannkuchen. In France, there is a thin and crispy pancakes called crepes. Also there galettes more fluffy and thick, like bread.

In Ireland there is a solid pancakes made from potatoes, known as boxty. In Scotland, also known pancakes called drop scones. In the United States, which has diverse cultural mix, pancake fact already known to native Indian communities since the beginning of 1607. They used to make a soft dough is formed by hand from corn called nokehick.

Then around 1740, the Dutch in America making buckwheat cakes (sorghum) similar to pancakes. And British settlers introduced the tradition of eating pancakes on the Tuesday before Easter fasting. Only around 1870 the term pancake widely known in America.

Not to forget, beyond Europe such as in India, China, Indonesia also known dishes like pancakes. In traditional societies, India recognize such foods pancakes called poori. In China there is also a pancake known as bao bing, and in Indonesia itself there is a kind of savory pancake called egg rolls.

Thank you
Hopefully Helpful ^ _ ^

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Requires Android:
Android 2.3.2+ Gingerbread (API 9)
Other Sources:


This version of Aneka Resep Pancake Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Jun 13, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.2+ Gingerbread (API 9)
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)

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