Bug fixed that won't allow the candidate user to log-in
ARC is a dedicated mobile application for searching for latest job vacancies from Applus Velosi. Across the ApplusVelosi group all of our current positions for both staff and contract personnel are posted to the system. The app allows you to review the current list of vacancies that are available.
Here you can also:
1. Manage and update your account
2. Look for job vacancies
3. Receive vacancy updates
4. Apply for positions
5. Check the progress of you application
6. Review the documents attached to your account
7. Update your recent jobs
8. Reset you password
9. Review you current saved searches and alerts
If you do not already have an account you should visit www.velosijobs.com to create it.
This version of Applus Velosi ARC Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Applus Velosi ARC Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.