Australia News provides latest news from leading news papers of Australia.
Stay updated with everything that matters in Australia we get breaking news on customized topics
Top headlines,Newspapers,Sports,Technology,politics,business,Movies,entertainment and world.
Here you can choose top Australia newspapers and get latest happenings around world in the palm of your hand for free of charge.
Want to keep up to date with what happens in the Australia and use as little time as possible, This is the Australia News app what you need!
Breaking News & Notification Alerts
- Subscribe to breaking News Alerts to follow breaking news as it happens
- Customization of News Refresh interval to keep an eye on the Breaking News Hub to stay up to date on a story as it unfolds
- Notifications for news updates provides customizable options to notify with Ringtone/vibrate/notificationlight.
- provides Australia News, Australia Newspapers, Australia Journal.
News Content Presentation:
- Light Mode option for exchanging between Light mode & Night mode for better News content readability in Day & night time.
- Preload images on demand with selected network availability 3G/4G/Wifi.
Easy navigation to News Topics
- Navigation Button click will show different Category news for easy navigation & selection of different news category.
- Provided Widget for Australia News with list of news articles on mobile screen widget for easy navigation
- Swipe to read next/previous news articles correspondingly.
- For sharing the news articles across social media,Facebook,Twitter, Whatsapp,Email
Australia News provides news from following major Australia newspapers :
- Australian
- Australian Financial Review
- Lloyd's List Australia
- Green Left Weekly
- Saturday Paper
- Weekly Times
- The Monthly
Sports Newspapers :
- Espn Cricinfo
- Espn
- Cricbuzz
- Goal
- Litzscore
- Cricket365
- Yahoo Cricket
New South Wales Newspapers
- The Daily Telegraph
- Sydney Morning Herald
- The Border Mail
- ArabNews Australia
- Central WesternDaily
- The Advertiser
- Daily Liberal
- The Western Weekender
- Daily News
- Eastern Riverina Chronical
Queensland Newspapers
- The Courier Mail
- Brisbane Times
- Cairns Post
- Daily Mercury
- Gold Coast Bulletin
- Sunshine Coast Daily
- The Chronicle
- The Queensland times
- Bayside bulletin
South Australia Newspapers
- The Advertiser
- Port Lincoln times
- Barossa Herald
- Bunip Press
- Courier
- The Trans Continental
- Naracoorte herald
- The River News
- The IslanderMurray Pioneer
Tasmania Newspapers
- The Mercury of Tasmania
- Advocate of Tasmania
- Examiner Tasmania
- The Classifieds Tasmania
Victoria Newspapers
- The Age
- Herald Sun
- Border Mail
- Bendigo Advertiser
- The courier
- The Standard Australia
- The Weekly Review
- Geelong Advertiser
- Maribyrnong Weekly
- Coffscoast Advocate
Western Australia Newspapers
- The Western Australian
- Sunday Times
- Post Newspapers
- Esperance express
- Collie Mail
- The Avon Valley Advocate
- Donnybrook bridgetown mail
- Business News Western Australia
- Mandurah Mail
- bunbury Mail
Australian Capital Territory Newspapers
- Canberra Times
- The Word
- City News Canberra
- Macarthur Advertiser
- Torch
Northern Territory Newspapers
- Northern Territory News Australia
- Alice Springs news
- Katherine times
- Southeast Asian Times
- Our Priority goal is providing best user experience while news reading.
- So we are putting very less Ads only for survival. Enjoy !!
Please provide your feedback for any improvements/suggestions.
Disclaimer: Australia News App does not own the news content. This app aggregates data from the given sources and formats it to show the latest news.
This application prepared to include Aggregation of leading publications to open in Web browser for quick access in one place, and Link to source directly. Do not copy any content or customization. If you want to add or remove any link please reach us to perform the request as soon as possible.
This version of Australia News Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Australia News Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.