Includes latest UK names, based on 2015 statistics
Baby Name Generator will suggest baby names and has the following features:
more than 13,000 names from UK, based on popularity
more than 33,000 names from US, based on popularity
more than 300 names from Ireland, based on popularity
more than 250 names from Australia, based on popularity
more than 15,000 names from Canada, based on popularity
more than 3,000 names from Germany, based on popularity
more than 4,000 names from Sweden, based on popularity
The popularity rank for each name is also shown (optional)
Ability to sort randomly, by popularity and alphabetically A to Z or Z to A
Filter by the top 100 most popular names, top 1000, excluding the top 1000 (if you prefer a less used name) and to include all names.
You can edit a name once it has been generated, choose whether to generate a middle name and also add your surname, also save and share your favourite names.
You can also specify what you want the name to start with, end with, or have included in the name.
Ideal for suggesting baby names, suggest popular names.
This version of Baby Names Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Baby Names Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.