- Currency Converter API is changed
Check hardware and software system info like hw monitor(Hardware Monitor) and check whether your cell phones operating system is up to date considering types of operating system and computer systems technology which is helpful to manage device settings. Device Info App is to check computer systems technology and mobile phone or any android cellular phone software and hardware info along with awesome dashboard which shows realtime RAM status and RAM usage graph along with following statistics:
- Battery percentage along with voltage and temperature stats
- System Storage statistics
- Internal Storage information
- External storage stats like external hard drive
- Number of Apps installed, both System installed and play store app install from device settings
- Available hardware Sensors
All mobiles info can be checked without exploring device settings and i can find about phone system info along with battery health details and battery percentage info. If i want to check imei number code and device id or find IMEI my device IMEI & IMSI UID , move in IMEI number check phone of application.
Find IMEI: The International Mobile Station Equipment Identity or find IMEI, is unique to identify.
Find IMSI: The International Mobile Subscriber Identity or IMSI is used for unique identification of user of a cellular network
Find UDID: Unique device id. Each cellphone has a Unique device id or Device Identifier
Device Info tab shows:
- Manufacturer
- Brand
- Model
- Product
- Android Version
- API Level / SDK Version
- Incremental Version
- Hardware Serial
- Device ID
- Build Number
- Display
- Hardware
- Host
- Board
- Base
- Boot Loader
- Fingerprint
- Android Device ID
- Wifi MAC Address
- USD Host
In Display tab it shows:
- Screen Size
- Screen Resolution
- Screen Density
- Screen orientation as you may rotate screen in landscape mode
- Display refresh rate
- Screen Timeout
In Battery tab:
- Battery capacity
- Battery Level
- Technology
- Battery Health
- Charging Status
- Battery Voltage
- Battery Temperature
- Plug Type
Find Device Info IMEI number App informs about your mobile phone battery percentage level. Find Device Info IMEI number App displays battery and device information in separate sections. Find Device Info IMEI number App also have very useful engineering tools and smart tools which help in Engineering works. Following are smart tools and calculators
- Scientific Calculator
- Stop Watch
- Number Counter
- Calendar
- Protractor
- Periodic Table
- Date Difference Calculator
- Compass Needle
- Speed Meter
- Qibla Direction Finder
- RGB to HEX converter and HEX to RGB converter
Calculations section includes following calculators:
- Mileage Calculator
- Area Calculator
- Surface Area Calculator
- Perimeter Calculator
- Volume Calculator
- Permutation Calculator
- Fraction Calculator
- Proportion Calculator
- Date Difference Calculator
In Tests tab you can check device hardware by performing following tests:
- Test Screen
- Test Torch
- Test Speaker
- Test Ear Speaker
- Test Light Sensor
- Test Vibrate phone
- Test Wifi
- Test Bluetooth
- Test Fingerprint
- Test Volume
So download Find my device IMEI number - IMEI check info sy App for your convenience
Techsial Android Extreme Tech Arena is offering following products:
- Time Zone Converter - World Time Zones Clock ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.techsial.apps.timezones )
- Unit Converter - All in One Unit Conversion Tool ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.techsial.android.unitconverter )
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This release of Find My Device Info IMEI Check Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
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