Marathi Murli is Now Available
some major performance improvement
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Daily Gyan Murli of Shiv Baba. This is One app for many services - Daily Murli in Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu and 15 other languages (Indian and International languages). With that, Hindi poems from daily murli and Suraj bhai's daily Purusharth also comes in the app.
(App creator: Shiv Service. From: )
App also have 'audio playlists' of BK Songs (selected best) and Classes from Dadi's, BK Suraj, BK Shivani, etc. Also Sakar and Avyakt Murlis as recorded original.
App also have ''Murli Quiz'' from daily murli of shiv baba. This helps in gyan and purusharth.
For those who want to ake the ''7 days course'' this app walks through day 1 to day 7.
If you wish to know anything, or access unlimited resources, visit ''Main Website'' section of this app.
If you wish to know the godly guidelines to become a Brahma kumar or kumari, visit ''Become a BK'' section and see for guidelines and surrender letter.
From this app, you will get direct links to join our WhatsApp groups, facebook and other accounts.
NOTE: If you have ANY question or suggestion regarding this app, please contact
To get anything else you may need, visit our main website - or & Only Murli Site
On Godfatherly World Service
This version of BK murli today (Mobile Murli) Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of BK murli today (Mobile Murli) Android App, We have 10 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.