Added Landscape mode & Android 4.0+ compatibility;
Added more materials to dead loads database.
LOADS is a quick reference source for selecting structural loads for the analysis and design of buildings and similar structures. This application provides the following load types:
-Over 200 different Dead loads of common
building materials and building assemblies
sorted in 20 categories;
-Over 80 different Live loads per the standard
ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for
Buildings and Other Structures used by the
currently adopted 2009 International Building
Code (IBC);
-Wind loads per the standard ASCE 7-05 used
by the currently adopted 2009 IBC Code, searched by 3098
-Ground Snow loads per the standard ASCE
7-05 used by the currently adopted 2009 IBC
Code, searched by 3098 Counties;
-Seismic acceleration properties Ss and S1
based on the USGS 2002 Hazard Data,
searched by over 41,000 Zip Codes.
Loads can be shown in either US or SI units.
A Save button on the menu screen saves the user’s input as defaults for future use. No need to retype data every time the app is started.
A Preferences screen allows user selection for either US or SI units, as well as preferred input values.
A Help screen provides instruction for the use of the app.
This version of Building Engineering Loads Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Building Engineering Loads Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.