Please note that this is BETA. It is currently lacking optimizations and high score functionality. Please tell us what you think!
Help Bea float through the Lanai as she searches for cheesecake!
As featured on HuffPo and Brisbane's Breakfast in 54 mins.
Tap the screen to fly between the palm trees! Eat cheesecake to boost your score!
From headRUSH and the artist that brought you the #BeaADay art project comes a completely hand drawn gaming experience, featuring "Fake-Bit" Graphics and heart pounding MIDI funk.
More Bea art can be found at or on twitter using the #BeaADay hashtag.
And thank you for Bea-in' a friend!
This version of Busy Bea Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Busy Bea Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.