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Aplikasi Nabawi App menyajikan beragam video taklim dari ulama-ulama terkemuka. Semua konten
video berbasis pada nilai dakwah yang sejuk, tidak politis, tidak provokatif, dan bersifat merangkul
(Rahmatan Lil Allamin), sehingga Nabawi App sangat layak Anda rekomendasikan kepada keluarga,
sahabat, atau teman.
Bekerjasama dengan Nabawi TV, televisi dakwah yang juga mengusung visi dan misi dakwah
Ahlusunnah Walajamaah, Nabawi App selalu hadir dengan video taklim bertema seputar masalah
keseharian, mulai dari fikih, tasawuf, sampai amalan sehari-hari.
Selain menyajikan video taklim dengan terjemahannya yang mudah dicerna, Nabawi App dilengkapi
dengan fitur Tanya-Jawab (interaktif) dengan ulama terkemuka dimana Anda dapat mengirimkan
pertanyaan seputar masalah agama dan dijawab langsung secara LIVE (akan datang). Nabawi Applications App presents a variety of video taklim of leading scholars. all content
video based on the value of propaganda cool, non-political, non-provocative, and are embracing
(Rahmatan Lil Allamin), so it is well worth Nabawi App you recommend to your family,
friend, or a friend.
In cooperation with Nabawi TV, television propaganda that also carry the vision and mission of preaching
Ahlusunnah Walajamaah, Nabawi App always present with taklim videos themed around the problem
everyday life, ranging from jurisprudence, Sufism, to everyday practice.
In addition to presenting the video taklim with the translation that is easily digested, Nabawi App comes
with features FAQ (interactive) with leading scholars in which you can send
questions about religious issues and answered directly LIVE (forthcoming).
This version of Nabawi App Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Nabawi App Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.