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Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym APK Download for Android
Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym 1.0 Icon

Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym

Inama Development Media Education
80 Ratings
Oct 01, 2016
release date
3.4 MB
file size

What's New

*Support Android Nougat

*Perbaikan tampilan

*Tambahan materi ceramah

About Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym Android App

Selamat datang di list deskripsi aplikasi Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesediaan anda untuk mendownlod aplikasi Kajian Aa Gym, yang merupakan salah satu ustadz populer indonesia yang memiliki banyak sekali penggemar, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Dan juga dari beragam kalangan baik tua , muda maupun anak-anak. Aplikasi Ceramah Aa ini merupakan permintaan dari banyak email yang masuk untuk di buatkan satu aplikasi yang berisi banyak ceramah dari beliau KH Abdullah Gymnastiar atau sering di sapa Aa Gym. Dan akan terus di tambah secara bertahap melalui pembaharuan aplikasi.

Dengan beragam tema ceramah yang tentunya juga pilihan yang mungkin tidak kita jumpai sebelumnya. Diantaranya sebagai berikut :

- Kajian Al Hikam 3.
- krisis akhlak.
- Manajemen Waktu.
- memotivasi diri.
- memperbaiki diri.
- memulai perubahan.
- memuliakan orang tua.
- mencontoh rasululloh.
- mengenang nabi muhammad saw.
- menghidupkan nurani bangsa.
- menjaga kebeningan hati.
- menyikapi kesulitan.
- muhasabah side a.
- muhasabah side b.
- penciptaan manusia.
- pentingnya sabar.
- rambu-rambu keinginan.
- rendah hati.
- Riya.
- sukses memimpin & dipimpin.
- taubat
- Tidak Mabuk Penghargaan.
- Jangan Ingin Dibalas Budi.
- Takdir.
- Iri Hati, Egois.
- Norak.
- Nikmat Allah.
- Alhamdulillah.
- Menyikapi Musibah.
- Bersandar Kepada Allah.
- Menegakkan Tauhid.
- Menegakkan Tauhid.
- Bahaya Munafik.
- Hati Yang Bersih.
- Bersyukur.
- Takabur.
- Egois.
- Berkata Benar.
- Menjaga Lisan.
- Ciri Orang Dangkal.
- Perkataan Yang Rendah.
- Perkataan Yang Mulia.
- Selalu Ditemani Allah.
- Agar Doa Mustajab.
- Bahaya Sanjungan.
- Tiada Kejadian Yang Sia-Sia.
- Tauhid Orang Tua.
- Rahasia Ajal.
- Tauhid Pejabat.
- Ahli Dzikir.
- Diperbudak Penilaian.
- Prasangka.
- Jagalah Kebeningan Hati.
- Kemuliaan Sejati.
- Asma Allah Al Ghofar.
serta beragam kajian Tema Ramadhan dan lebaran serta banyak judul yang lainnya.

Kami berharap dengan adanya aplikasi ini akan banyak ilmu dan pengetahuan tentang islam yang menguatkan keimanan kita kepada Allah. Kami juga mengharapkan dukungan dari anda dengan memberikan penilaian bintang/ rating aplikasi setelah anda mendownloadnya dengan perangkat android anda. Bisa menggunakan Smartphone, Tablet, maupun Smart TV atau perangkat lain yang anda miliki. Anda juga bisa berpartisipasi dalam dakwah dengan menginformasikan / merekomendasikan aplikasi ini untuk kawan, saudara maupun sahabat muslim di manapun berada. Kami sangat menyarankan bagi anda yang ingin mendownload aplikasi ini dengan cara sebagai berikut :

~ Pastikan perangkat android anda terhubung dengan internet.
~ Kemudian pilihlah ceramah/kajian pilihan anda, lalu tekan agak lama hingga muncul pilihan "set as ringtone".
~ Langkah selanjutnya tekan tombol set as ringtone, dan tunggu hingga download selesai.
~ Setelah download selesai, cari folder music/ringtone/suara/audio di file manager (berkas file)
~ Biasanya hasil download ada di posisi paling atas, kami sarankan juga untuk memindahkan hasil download ke berkas / folder yang anda suka agar mudah mencarinya.
~ Selamat mencoba.

Selanjutnya kami juga menyiapkan aplikasi ini agar mudah di gunakan untuk anda yang walaupun tidak mengerti aplikasi sekalipun. Serta keunggulan lain adalah memori aplikasi yang kecil sehingga menghemat ruang penyimpanan handphone anda. Kajian yang lain juga kami miliki dan bisa anda cari dengan mengetikan nama inama development media di pencarian play store dan semuanya free (gratis). Untuk saran dan rekuest kajian bisa di emailkan kepada kami melalui email yang ada di dalam aplikasi.

Terima kasih
Selamat mendengarkan.Welcome to the app description Lecture list Gymnastiar Aa Aa Gym. We thank you for your willingness to study the application mendownlod Aa Gym, which is one of the popular Indonesian cleric who has a lot of fans, both from within and outside the country. And also from various circles both old, young and children. Applications Lecture Aa is a demand from many incoming email for Make a single application that contains many of his lectures KH Abdullah Gymnastiar or often in sapa Aa Gym. And will continue to be added incrementally over the renewal application.

With themes ranging lecture course also options that we may not have seen before. Including the following :

- Study of Al Hikam 3.
- Moral crisis.
- Time Management.
- Motivate themselves.
- improve oneself.
- Initiate change.
- Glorifying parents.
- Modeled Rasululloh.
- In memory of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
- Turn on the conscience of the nation.
- Maintain the clarity of the liver.
- Addressing the difficulties.
- Muhasabah side a.
- Muhasabah side b.
- The creation of man.
- The importance of patience.
- Signs of desire.
- humble.
- Riya.
- Successfully lead and be led.
- taubat
- Not Drunk Award.
- Do not Want Replied Budi.
- Fate.
- Jealousy, selfish.
- Tacky.
- Favor of God.
- Alhamdulillah.
- Responding to the disaster.
- Lean To Allah.
- Enforce Tauhid.
- Enforce Tauhid.
- Danger of Hypocrisy.
- Clean Heart.
- Be grateful.
- Arrogant.
- Selfish.
- Says True.
- Maintaining Oral.
- Feature Shallow People.
- Words That Low.
- Words of Honor.
- Always Accompanied by God.
- To Prayer Mustajab.
- Danger of Flattery.
- No Events That Futile.
- Tawhid Parents.
- Secrets of Doom.
- Officials Tauhid.
- Expert Dhikr.
- Enslaved Assessment.
- Prejudice.
- Maintain clarity Heart.
- True Glory.
- Asma Allah Al Ghofar.
and a variety of scene study Ramadan and Eid as well as many other titles.

We hope that these applications will be a lot of science and knowledge about Islam that strengthens our faith in Allah. We also expect support from you by giving the star rating / rating after you download applications to your android device. Could use a Smartphone, Tablet, or Smart TV or other device you have. You can also participate in propaganda by informing / recommend this app to friends, relatives or friends of Muslims everywhere. We strongly recommend that those of you who want to download this application in the following manner:

~ Make sure your Android device is connected to the Internet.
~ Then choose lecture / study of your choice and press a little longer until the option "set as ringtone".
~ The next step press set as ringtone, and wait until the download is complete.
~ After the download is complete, find the folder music / ringtone / sound / audio in the file manager (File file)
~ Usually the download is in the top position, we recommend also to move the download to a file / folder that you like so you can easily search for it.
~ Good luck.

Furthermore, we also set up these applications to be easily used for your application which, although not understand though. As well as other advantages are small so the application memory space saving storage of your phone. Other studies also we have and you can search by typing the name in the search media development inama play store and everything is free (gratis). For suggestions and rekuest study can email it to us via e-mail that is in the application.

thank you
Happy listening.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Other Sources:


This release of Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym Android App available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.

(Oct 01, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)
(Jul 24, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Ceramah Aa Gymnastiar Aa Gym Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
