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Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan APK Download for Android
Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan 1.0 Icon

Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan

Inama Development Media Education
110 Ratings
May 29, 2016
release date
3.6 MB
file size

What's New

About Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan Android App

Ustadz nama lengkap KH Muhammad Arifin Ilham atau di kenal sebagai ustadz Arifin Ilham lahir di Banjarmasin, 8 Juni 1969. Beliau adalah seorang pendakwah atau da'i. Arifin Ilham adalah anak kedua dari lima bersaudara, dan dia satu-satunya anak lelaki. Ayah Arifin Ilham masih keturunan ketujuh Syeh Al-Banjar, ulama besar di Kalimantan, sementara ibunya, Hj. Nurhayati, kelahiran Haruyan, Barabay, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah.

Aplikasi ini berisi rangkuman ceramah ustad dari berbagai sumber dan tema ceramah, serta memudahkan para jamaah yang ingin mendengarkan kajian ilmu dari ustadz Arifin di beragam kesempatan. Aplikasi "Ceramah Ustadz Arifin ilham" berformat audio mp3 dapat gratis di play dan di download di playstore. Ukuran file yang kecil menjadi nilai lebih dari aplikasi ini sehingga pengguna tidak membutuhkan banyak ruang penyimpanan atau memori di handphone. Koneksi interet di butuhkan agar audio dapat di putar dengan baik.

Kami rangkumkan beberapa judul ceramah di aplikasi ini antara lain;

- Adab Hidup Bertetangga
- Air Mata Berkah
- Al quran
- Amalan yang Di Terima Allah SWT
- Aplikasi Ibadah dalam Kehidupan
- Esensi Ramadhan
- Hari-hari Bahagia Penghuni Surga
- Hati yang Tenang
- Hidup Bersama Keluarga Rasulullah
- Hidup Dalam Kesaksian
- Hijrah Melalui Dzikir
- Hikmah Dzikir
- Indahnya Istiqamah
- Isra dan Miraj
- Keagungan Al quran
- Keajaiban Zikir
- Kebahagiaan Dalam Taat Beribadah 1
- Kegelisahan
- Keluarga Sakinah
- Kemenangan Bagi yang Sabar
- Kesempatan Bersejarah Dalam Hidup
- Keutamaan Dakwah
- Keutamaan Qurban
- Kiat Mengontrol Amarah
- Kiat-kiat Agar Amal Di Terima Allah
- Kiat-kiat Khusnul Khotimah
- Kiat-kiat Memelihara Iman 1
- Kunci Masuk Surga
- Manisnya Iman
- Mari Bekerja
- Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW
- Mempersiapkan Generasi Rosulullah
- Mengapa Gelisah
- Mengapa Kita Harus Berdzikir 1
- Mengenal Rukun Islam
- Mengendalikan Hawa Nafsu
- Menghadirkan Rahmat Allah SWT
- Menghidupkan Sunah
- Mensyukuri
- Muharram
- Mukjizat Huruf Al-Quran
- Pemuda Bertaqwa Di ERA Globalisasi
- Percaya Pada yang Ghaib
- Pilar Keluarga Sakinah
- Pribadi Berdzikir
- Rahasia Doa
- Sebab-sebab Kesurupan
- Sholat Khusuk
- Sholat Kok Maksiat
- Stabilitas Iman
- Taubatan Nasuhan
- Tiada Kembali Tiada
- Tujuan Hidup
- Zuhud

dan masih banyak yang lainnya

Kami memiliki aplikasi ceramah yang lain, antara lain "Ceramah-Ceramah KH Anwar Zahid", "Ceramah Ust. Yusuf Mansur", "Ceramah Ust.Jefri Al-Bukhori", "Murottal Quran Abdurrahman Sds", "Ceramah Ust Khalid Basalamah" yang Insya Allah akan menambah keimanan kita kepada Allah SWT dan bermanfaat bagi sesama.
Terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada anda yang telah memberi rating dan share pada aplikasi ceramah ini semoga keberkahan dan keselamatan menyertai anda semua. Amin...Ustadz full name KH Muhammad Arifin Ilham or known as Ustadz Arifin Ilham was born in New York City, June 8, 1969. He was a preacher or a preacher. Arifin Ilham was the second of five brothers, and he's the only boy. Arifin Ilham's father was the seventh Sheikh Al-Banjar, great scholars in Borneo, while his mother, Hj. Nurhayati, birth Haruyan, Barabay, Hulu Sungai Tengah.

This application contains a summary of lectures cleric from a variety of sources and theme lectures, as well as facilitate the pilgrims who want to listen to the science of Ustadz Arifin in diverse occasions. Applications "Teaching Ustadz Arifin inspiration" mp3 audio format can be free in the play and downloaded at PlayStore. Small file size become more value from these applications so that users do not need a lot of storage space or memory on the phone. Interet connection is needed so that the audio can be played well.

We summarize some titles lectures in this application include;

- Adab coexistence
- Tears Blessing
- Al-Qur'an
- Practice the Di thank Allah SWT
- Applications in the Life Worship
- Essence of Ramadan
- Happy days Occupants Heaven
- Calm heart
- Living with Family Messenger
- Living In Testimony
- Hijrah Through Dhikr
- Lessons Dhikr
- Beautiful Istiqamah
- Isra and Miraj
- Greatness Al quran
- Miracle Recitation
- Happiness In Devout Worshipping 1
- Anxiety
- Sakinah Family
- Victory For Patient
- Historic Opportunity In Life
- Virtue Propagation
- The virtue of Sacrifice
- Tips for Controlling Anger
- Tips For Charity In Thank God
- Tips Khusnul Khotimah
- Tips for Keeping Faith 1
- Key Go to Heaven
- Sweetness of Faith
- Let's work
- Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
- Preparing the Generation Rosulullah
- Why Restless
- Why We Should dhikr 1
- Know the Five Pillars of Islam
- Controlling Lust
- Presenting Rahmat Allah
- Turn Sunah
- Grateful
- Muharram
- Letter Miracles of the Quran
- Youth Devoted Di ERA Globalization
- Believe in the unseen
- Pilar Sakinah Family
- Personal berdzikir
- Secrets of Prayer
- The causes of Trance
- Pray fervently
- Prayer Kok Maksiat
- Stability of Faith
- Taubatan Nasuhan
- No Return No
- Purpose of life
- Zuhud

and many others

We had a talk the other applications, such as "Lectures KH Anwar Zahid", "Teaching Ust. Yusuf Mansur", "Teaching Ust.Jefri Al-Bukhari", "Murottal Quran Abdurrahman Sds", "Teaching Ust Khalid Basalamah" which God willing, will add to our faith in God and useful for others.
Our thanks to you who have given the rating and share in the application of these talks may blessings and salvation be with you all. Amin ...

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Other Sources:


This version of Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(May 29, 2016)
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.4+ (Gingerbread MR1, API 10)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Ceramah Arifin ilham Pilihan Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
