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Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra APK Download for Android
Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra 2.8 Icon

Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra

Islamic Religius App Music & Audio
3 Ratings
Sep 08, 2017
release date
5.5 MB
file size

What's New

Fix Some Bug

Fix ads and content overlap in category

Fix refresh when change tab

About Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra Android App

Awalnya beliau mempelajari islam dan membuka Al-qur'an tujuannya utk menyerang Islam... Surat pertama kali yang beliau buka adalah surat An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas,
Pernah ketika masih pastor didalam perpustakaan vatikan beliau membuka Al-quran dari arah yang salah, ketika itu Uskup Agung Alonso menegur beliau: you do the wrong with the open qur'an you should be right to left (Uskup Agung Alonso yang kafir itu hafidz 7 juz Al-qur'an) Kemudian beliau menemukan dalam Al-Qur’an (QS. An-Nisa:1) manusia di panggil dengan :
ya ayyuhannas, ya ayyuhalladzi na'amanu
(yang artinya hai orang – orang yang beriman )

Romo Christian (sekarang ustadz Bangun Samudra) makin cinta al-qur'an ketika mengetahui اَللّهُّ memanggil manusia seperti ini.
Panggilan kepada manusia untuk membawa kepada keselamatan bagi hamba yang memenuhi dan mentaatinya, juga in syaa Allah membawa kepada kehancuran bagi hamba yang membangkang dan mengingkarinya.
Berbeda dalam Alkitab manusia dipanggil dengan:
wahai anak – anak domba yang sesat (manusia disamakan dengan hewan)
bahkan Yesus yang "katanya" tuhan disamakan dengan anak domba:
Sebab anak domba Paskah kita juga telah “disembelih”, yaitu Kristus. 1 Kor 5:7
* sebenarnya di sembelih apa disalib sih? Ini kebohongan paulus.
Kebenaran suatu agama adalah kemurnian kitab sucinya (firman Tuhan) sudah seharusnya tidak kontradiksi dan disampaikan menggunakan bahasa yang efektif membuahkan efek atau hasil karena serasi dengan peristiwa atau keadaan yang terjadi sehingga tercapai maksud dan tujuannya yang memenuhi persyaratan dengan baik, jelas dan benar.
dzalikal kitabullah roibafi hudzalil muttaqin
Kitab (Al-Qur'an) ini tidak ada keraguan pada nya dan petunjuk bagi orang yang bertaqwa.
Saya lampirkan foto ustadz Bangun Samudra (sewaktu kafir bernama Romo/Pastor Christian) murid dari ayahanda dan kakak kelas dari saudara kita Ardiyanto Tedjo Baskoro Bremi (mualaf) di SMA Santa Maria, Surabaya. Sekolah Pastor Tingkat Menengah Santo Vincentius, Surabaya. Sekolah Tinggi Pastor Santo Giovanni, Surabaya.
Beliau mantan Pastur lulusan terbaik di vatikan, beliau menyelesaikannya dalam 1,5 tahun dengan IPK 4.00 (Cum Laude) dari Saint Peters Vatikan, Roma. (harusnya kuliah disana ditempuh minimal dalam 3 tahun)
Fitur Aplikasi
- Aplikasi dapat Melakukan Download Ceramah Ustadz Yang Kamu pilih.
- Aplikasi ini juga dapat membuat daftar kesukaan dari salah satu ceramah ustad denga menekan tombol hati dan otomatis ceramah ustadz tersebut akan masuk ke dafrat favorit kamu
- Terdapat juga banyak daftar ceramah dari ustadz dan ustadzah lain yang dapat di putar hanya dalam satu aplikasi
ini adalah daftar ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra :
 Kajian LUCU Perjalanan Menjadi Muslim dari Katolik | Ustadz Charis Bangun Samudra Mantan Pastur
 Ust Bangun Samudra Ceramah tegas " Mantan Kafir " di acara Maulid 04/01/2015 di Surabaya
 KISAH CINTA USTAD BANGUN SAMUDRA Mantan Pastur Cerdas Jenius Lulusan S2 Vatikan Roma CERAMAH LUCU
 Ust. Bangun Samudra 2017 : Beda Al Kitab dengan Al Qur'an, Islam satu-satunya agama dari langit
 Pastur Cerdas Lulusan S2 VATIKAN Ungkap Alasan Masuk Islam | Ustadz Bangun Samudra
 Kajian Ust Bangun Samudera 18/02/2017 Masjid Al-Madani
 Pengajian Ust Bangun Samudra. walimatul khitan Daffa Farrel Wiratama. by HIMA PHOTOGRAPHY SURABAYA
 Ust. Bangun Samudra 2017 : KAFIR, disebutkan oleh Allah untuk orang yang ingkar
 LUCU , 5 Pilar islam | Ustadz Charis Bangun Samudra ( Muallaf S2 Vatikan )
 "Hijrah Sepenuh Hati" bersama Ustadz Bangun Samudra
 Wajib Memilih Pemimpin Muslim - Bangun Samudra -
 Wajib Memilih Pemimpin Muslim - Bangun Samudra -
 Menuju Persatuan Umat islam. Ust. Bangun Samudra
 Ust. Bangun Samudra 2016 tentang Valentine Day, Gong Xi Fa Choi & Ulang Tahun
 Dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya dan akan ada update terbaru setiap harinyaInitially he studied Islam and the Qur'an open goal to attack Islam ... the first letter that he open a letter of An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas,
Never when he was a priest in the Vatican library, he opened the Koran from the wrong direction, when the Archbishop Alonso rebuked him: you do the wrong with the open quran you should be right to left (Archbishop Alonso who disbelieve hafidz 7 juz Al-Qur'an) Then he found in the Koran (Qur'an, An-Nisa: 1) The man on the call by:
ayyuhannas yes, yes ayyuhalladzi na'amanu
(Which means O - believers)

Father Christian (now cleric Build Ocean) the love of Qur'an, knowing الله calls men like this.
Call to man to bring it to safety for the meet and obedient servant, also in syaa God leads to the destruction of the rebellious slave and deny it.
The Bible is different in humans are called to:
O children - children lost sheep (human equated with animals)
even Jesus, "he said," god equated with the lamb:
For our passover also has been "slaughtered", which is Christ. 1 Cor 5: 7
* Actually slaughtered what the heck crucified? It lies Paul.
The truth of a religion is the purity of the holy book (word of God) should not be contradictions and delivered using effective language to produce effects or results for matching with events or circumstances that occur in order to achieve its goals and objectives that meet the requirements very well, clearly and correctly.
dzalikal Kitabullah roibafi hudzalil Muttaqin
Book (Qur'an) there is no doubt in his and guidance for those who fear Him.
I attach a photo cleric Build Ocean (as infidel named Father / Pastor Christian) pupil of the father and brother of the brother Ardiyanto class Tedjo Baskoro Bremi (convert) at Santa Maria High School, Surabaya. Pastor Intermediate School St. Vincent, Surabaya. High School Pastor of St. Giovanni, Surabaya.
He is a former pastor the best graduates in the Vatican, he finished it in 1.5 years with a GPA of 4.00 (Cum Laude) from Saint Peters Vatican, Rome. (Should there be reached minimal college in 3 years)
features Applications
- Applications can Doing Download Lecture Ustadz What You choose.
- This application can also create a list of favorite of one of the lectures cleric premises liver and automatic push button cleric lecture will go into your favorite dafrat
- There are also many lectures from the cleric list and another cleric that can be played in just one application
This is a list of lectures Ustad Build Ocean:
 Travel FUNNY Being Muslim Studies of Catholic | Ustadz Charis Bangun Ocean Former Pastor
 Build Ust firm Ocean Lecture "Former Infidels" in the event in Surabaya 04/01/2015 Mawlid
 Ustad LOVE STORY BUILDING OCEAN Smart Genius Graduates Former Pastor Vatican Rome S2 TALKS FUNNY
 Ust. Waking Ocean 2017: Unlike the Book the Qur'an, Islam is the only religion of the sky
 Graduates S2 Intelligent VATICAN Father Reveals Reasons to Islam | Build Ustadz Ocean
 Study of Ust Build 02.18.2017 Ocean Masjid Al-Madani
 Build Ust pengajians Ocean. Farrel Daffa walimatul wiratama circumcision. by HIMA PHOTOGRAPHY SURABAYA
 Ust. Waking Ocean 2017: PAGAN, mentioned by Allah for the disbelievers
 FUNNY, 5 Pillars of Islam | Ustadz Charis Bangun Ocean (S2 Vatican Muallaf)
 "Hijrah Wholehearted" with Ustadz Build Ocean
 Compulsory Selecting Muslim leaders - Build the ocean -
 Compulsory Selecting Muslim leaders - Build the ocean -
 Towards Unity of Islam. Ust. Waking Ocean
 Ust. Waking Ocean in 2016 on Valentine's Day, Gong Xi Fa Choi & Birthday
 And many more that others and there will be the latest updates every day

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Other Sources:


This version of Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Sep 08, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Ceramah Ustad Bangun Samudra Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
