What's New :
- Simplified account registration.
Citipal app allows its users to:
- Search/Scan neighborhoods and/or city for shops
- Find stores which provide Delivery/Pickup services
- Check stores' specials and promos
- Be able to list down users’ needs
- Place orders
- Elect unsubscribed shops to start giving service
Note: The above features are still rolling out in multiple places in the world, so those features may not yet be available in your area.
- Create shopping Lists of needs, rearrange your items based on department, and tick purchased items.
- Save purchase Receipts and have a safe/single repository for them whenever you need them.
- Save your Cards (Points, Loyalty, Health, Gym, etc.) where you can find them at any time on Citipal and use them directly from there.
- Share and collaborate shopping Lists, Receipts, and Cards with family and friends by giving rights to edit or view.
* Allow Citipal to use camera to take photos of receipts, cards, and barcodes
* Allow Citipal to access photos/gallery to upload pictures of receipts or cards.
* Allow Citipal to send notifications.
* Allow Citipal to access contacts to help find users’ friends/family contacts to collaborate features objects with.
* Allow Citipal to enable location service to add user addresses in case of using shop delivery service.
This version of Citipal Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Citipal Android App, We have 4 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.