Direct hit je aplikacija koja je zasnovana na principu mini golf aplikacije. Da bi pocela igra, irgac prvo mora da postavi loptu na odredjeno mesto po zelji, a onda da posalje loptu u pravcu rupe. Ukoliko lopta dotakne ivicu ekrana Ili prepreke lopta ce se odbiti pod isitim uglom kojim je I udarila. Za svaki novi pokusaj gadjanja loptice u rupu broj pokusaja ce se povecati za jedan. Ukupan rezultat je broj pokusaja koji su potrebni da se zavrsi ceo kurs.Direct hit is an application that is based on the principle of mini golf applications. To start the game, irgac must first put the ball on a fixed place to taste and then to send the ball toward the hole. If the ball touches the edge of the screen or obstacles ball will be deducted under the same angle which I struck. For each new attempt at shooting balls into the hole number of attempts will increase by one. The net result is the number of attempts needed to complete the entire course.
This version of Direct hit Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Direct hit Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.