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Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek APK Download for Android
Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek 1.0.2 Icon

Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek

BINERDEV Education
93 Ratings
Aug 28, 2018
release date
7.4 MB
file size

What's New

Penambahan doa harian anak

Aplikasi offline

About Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek Android App

Aplikasi Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek adalah aplikasi untuk anak muslim yang berisi kumpulan doa-doa harian, surat pendek, yasin dan ayat kursi yang diambil menurut alquran.

Aplikasi Aplikasi Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek ini dilengkapi dengan audio serta terjemahan sehingga anak-anak lebih mudah dalam belajar untuk memahami dan menghafalkannya.

Adapun Doa-Doa dalam Apikasi ini adalah:
- Doa Sebelum Tidur
- Doa Setelah Bangun Tidur
- Doa Masuk Kamar Mandi
- Doa Ketika Akan Mandi
- Doa Keluar Kamar Mandi
- Doa Saat Memakai Pakaian Baru
- Doa Saat Memakai Pakaian Lama
- Doa Ketika Refleksi (Dandan atau Berhias)
- Doa Sebelum Makan
- Doa Setelah Makan
- Doa Setelah Minum
- Doa Ketika Masuk Rumah
- Doa Ketika Masuk Rumah Kosong
- Doa Keluar Rumah
- Doa Ketika Masuk Masjid
- Doa Ketika Keluar Masjid
- Doa Ketika Akan Wudhu
- Doa Setelah Selesai Wudhu
- Doa Ketika Akan Membaca Al-Quran
- Doa Sebelum Belajar
- Doa Sebelum Membaca Alquran
- Doa Setelah Membaca Alquran
- Doa Ketika Hujan
- Doa Setelah Setelah Hujan
- Doa Ketika Melihat Petir
- Doa Saat Mendengar Suara Petir
- Doa Ketika Sedang Gembira
- Doa Ketika Melihat Orang Sakit
- Doa Orang Ketika Melihat Orang Sakit Keras
- Doa untuk Orang Sakit
- Doa Ketika Obat Minum
- Doa Ketika Bersin
- Doa Saat Mendengar Orang Bersin
- Doa Saat Pagi Datang
- Doa Ketika Sore Datang
- Doa Punya Mimpi Untuk Baik
- Doa Ketika Mimpi Baik
- Doa Ketika mimpi buruk
- Doa Silakan Keselamatan Dunia Akhirat

- Surat Al-Fatihah
- Surat Al-Jumuah
- Surat ash-Shams
- Surat Ad-Dhuha
- Surat AT-Tin
- Surat Al-Bayyinah
- Surat Al-Zalzalah
- Surat AL-Adiyat
- Surat AT-Takaatsur
- Surat Al-Asr
- Surat AL-Humazah
- Surat AL-Fill
- Surat Al-Quraishi
- Surat AL-Maa'un
- Surat Al-Kauthar
- Surat AL-Kafirun
- Surat Al-Qadr
- Surat Al-Insyirah
- Surat AL-souled
- Surat Al-Falaq
- Surat An-Naas

Jangan lupa download aplikasinya untuk anak-anak anda. Semoga Aplikasi Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek bermanfaat bagi anak-anak muslim. TrimakasihDaily Prayer & Short Suratan application is an application for Muslim children which contains a collection of daily prayers, short letters, yasin and verse seats taken according to the Qur'an.

The Daily Prayer & Short Suras Application application is equipped with audio and translation so that children are easier to learn to understand and memorize it.

The Prayers in this Application are:
- Prayer Before Sleep
- Prayer After Wake Up
- Entrance to the Bathroom
- Prayer When Will Bathe
- Exit Bathroom Prayer
- Prayer when wearing new clothes
- Prayer When Wearing Old Clothes
- Prayer When Reflection (Dress Up or Decorate)
- Prayer Before Eating
- Prayer After Eating
- Prayer After Drinking
- Prayer When Entering Home
- Prayer When Entering the Empty House
- Praying Out of the House
- Prayer when entering the mosque
- Prayers when exiting the mosque
- Prayer When Will Ablution
- Prayer After Completion of Ablution
- Prayer When Will Read the Quran
- Prayer Before Learning
- Prayer Before Reading the Koran
- Prayer After Reading the Koran
- Prayer When It Rains
- Prayer After After Rain
- Prayer When Seeing Lightning
- Prayer when hearing the sound of lightning
- Prayers When Happy
- Prayer When Seeing Sick People
- People Pray When Seeing People Sick Hard
- Prayers for the sick
- Prayer When Drinking Drugs
- Prayer When Sneezing
- Prayers when hearing people sneeze
- Prayer When Morning Comes
- Prayer When Afternoon Comes
- Prayer Has a Dream for Good
- Prayers When Dreams Are Good
- Prayers When nightmares
- Prayers for the Salvation of the Hereafter

- Surat Al-Fatihah
- Surat Al-Jumuah
- Surat ash-Shams
- Letter of Ad-Dhuha
- Letter of AT-Tin
- Surat Al-Bayyinah
- Surat Al-Zalzalah
- Surat AL-Adiyat
- AT-Takaatsur letter
- Surat Al-Asr
- Letter of AL-Humazah
- AL-Fill letter
- Surat Al-Quraishi
- Letter of AL-Maa'un
- Surat Al-Kauthar
- Letter of AL-Kafirun
- Surat Al-Qadr
- Surat Al-Insyirah
- AL-souled letter
- Surat Al-Falaq
- An-Naas letter

Don't forget to download the application for your children. Hopefully the Daily Prayer & Short Suras Application is beneficial for Muslim children. Thank you

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Aug 28, 2018)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich MR1, API 15)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Doa Harian & Suratan Pendek Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.
