Elikagaien inguruan gehiago ikasi ezazu, baratzetik platerera daukan bidea modu dibertigarri eta interaktibo batean.
Eathink jolasa hiru ataletan dago banandua, bakoitzak elikagai katearen oinarrizko hiru pausoetan zatiturik; ekoizpena, banaketa eta erosketa.
Atal bakoitzak sei zailtasun maila ezberdineko berezko jolasak ditu, gure elikadura-ohiturek eta elikadura-kateek planetarengan duten eraginaren inguruan sentsibilizatzeko atal tematiko batzuekin.
Hiru jolasek gure pisua nola arindu dezakegun ulertzen lagunduko digute, horrela globo aerostatikoak altu hegan egin dezan!
Aplikazio hau Europar Batasunaren finantza-sostenguarekin gauzatu da. Aplikazio honen edukiak CISV erakundearen erantzukizuna dira eta ez dute, inola ere, Europar Batasunaren jarrera islatzen.
www.eathink2015.orgTo learn more about food, fun and interactive garden path way of the plate.
Eathink game is separated into three sections, the basic food per chain is divided into three stages; production, distribution and purchasing.
Each section has six games of the different levels of difficulty, our eating habits and food chains to raise awareness about the impact on the planet with some thematic sections.
Three games will help us to understand our weight we can to speed up, so that the hot air balloons to fly high!
This application is implemented by the European Union financial support. CISV The contents of this application are the responsibility of the organization and they do not, in any way, reflect the attitude of the European Union.
This release of EAThink Game Euskaraz Android Game available in 2 variants. Please select the variant to download. Please read our FAQ to find out which variant is suitable for your Android device based on Screen DPI and Processor Architecture.
If you are looking to download other versions of EAThink Game Euskaraz Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.