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Ecoroute APK Download for Android
Ecoroute 1.2 Icon
16 Ratings
Aug 26, 2016
release date
5.0 MB
file size

What's New

About Ecoroute Android App

★★ Aplicația teritoriului GAL DELTA DUNĂRII și a teritoriului POARTA ALMĂJULUI ★★

Aplicatia ECOROUTE urmareste punerea in valoare din punct de vedere turistic a teritoriilor acoperite de catre grupurile de actiune locale Delta Dunarii si Poarta Almajului, informarea pietei turistice asupra diversitatii obiectivelor acestora si promovarea si incurajarea unor forme de turism durabil prin utilizarea noilor tehnologii.

Scopul aplicatiei consta in cresterea vizibilitatii zonelor acoperite de grupuri in vederea dezvoltarii unei identitati si a unei imagini turistice specifice zonelor si realizarii unei deschideri catre piata turistica, cu importante consecinte pentru viitor. Primul pas in promovarea unor produse turistice specifice este cresterea vizibilitatii destinatiei sau a zonei unde se afla respectivele produse. Cu cat gradul de cunoastere a unei destinatii este mai ridicat pe piata turistica, cu atat mai mari sunt sansele ca un numar sporit de turisti sa aleaga respectiva destinatie pentru un sejur. Destinatia turistica vizata de grupul de actiune locala Poarta Almajului se situeaza in partea de sud-vest a Romaniei, in judetele Caras-Severin si Gorj. Potentialul turistic deriva din particularitatile climaterice ale regiunii, cat si din traditia unor localitati precum Baile Herculane sau Mehadica, care au avut infrastructuri turistice deosebit de dezvoltate. Teritoriul vizat de grupul de actiune locala Delta Dunarii are in componenta parti considerabile incluse in perimetrul Rezervatiei Biosferei Delta Dunarii. Aceste aspecte aduc in prim plan necesitatea unei dezvoltari socio-economice durabile a acestor teritorii.

✔Resurse Naturale
✔Resurse Artificiale
✔Locuri De Cazare
✔Timp Liber
✔Evenimente Culturale
✔Puncte De Interes


Se vor putea consulta pe harta toate elementele

Utilizatorul va putea filtra elementele alegand intre diferite categorii

In cadrul fiselor (monumente, resurse naturale, restaurante, hoteluri, primarii,…) vor putea fi consultate urmatoarele informatii:
• Slider de imagini
• Descriere
• Date de contact: adresa, telefon, web, email
• Adresa identificata pe harta, daca este cazul
• Material video
• Material audio si ghid audio
• Program de functionare
• Alte informatii relevante precum: dificultate acces, mod acces, organizator, date
• Distribuie fisa in retele sociale
• Evalueaza
• Adauga la Favorite
• Adauga la Ruta mea

In cadrul fiselor de rute utilizatorul va putea vedea:
• Punctele care compun ruta in cadrul unei liste si pe harta, astfel ca atunci cand dai click pe ele sa apara fisa elementului respectiv
• Descrierea rutei
• Alte informatii relevante pentru rute precum: dificultate acces, mod acces, dificultatea rutei, kilometri, cum este semnalizata ruta, durata estimata, conditii
• Ruta reprezentata pe harta
• Punctul initial marcat pe harta
• Modul pentru a distribui fisa in retelele sociale

Motor care permite cautarea printre toate elementele de pe platforma

Crearea acestui cont ofera urmatoarele avantaje:
• Adauga la Favorite acele elemente pe care vrei sa le consulti mai tarziu
• Evalueaza pe o scara de 5 stele acel element pe care il consulti
• Adauga acele elemente pentru a configura propria ruta

Ordoneaza in functie de distanta elementele care apar in lista

Daca utilizatorul nu dispune de conexiune la Internet, aplicatia va fi in totalitate functionala, cu exceptia materialului video si audio pentru ca acestea au nevoie intotdeauna de conexiune la Internet

Utilizatorul poate sa descarce harta teritoriului care il intereseaza pentru a utiliza mai tarziu harta cand nu dispune de conexiune la Internet

Busola va indica distanta catre elementul selectat precum si adresa★★ application Delta and the LAG territory ALMAJ GATE ★★

EcoRoute application aimed at highlighting the tourism point of view of the territories covered by local action groups Delta Gate Almaj tourism market information on the diversity of their objectives and to promote and encourage sustainable forms of tourism through the use of new technologies.

Its main purpose is to increase the visibility of groups covered areas to develop an identity and a specific travel image areas and the tourism market to achieve an opening with important consequences for the future. The first step in the promotion of specific tourism products is increasing the visibility of the destination or the area where the said products. The degree of knowledge of a destination's tourism market is higher, the greater are the chances that an increased number of tourists choose that destination to stay. Tourist Destination endorsed by the local action group Almajului Gate is situated in the south-west of Romania, in Caras-Severin and Gorj. The tourism potential of the region derives from climatic peculiarities, and the tradition of towns like Herculane or Mehadica who had particularly developed tourist infrastructure. The territory covered by the local action group Delta is composed of significant parts included in the Danube Delta Biosphere Conservation. These issues bring to the forefront the need for socio-economic development of these territories.

Natural ✔Resurse
Artificial ✔Resurse
✔Locuri accommodation
Free ✔Timp
Cultural ✔Evenimente
✔Puncte Of Interest

=== === FEATURES

★ View on map
It will consult all the map

The user can choose between different filter elements

In the charts (monuments, natural resources, restaurants, hotels, halls, ...) will be available the following information:
• Slider images
• Description
• Contact information: address, telephone, web, email
• Address identified on the map, if necessary
• Material Video
• audio and audio guide
• Opening hours
• Other relevant information such as: difficult access, access mode, organizer data
• Share sheet in social networks
• Rate
• Add to Favorites
• Add to My route

In the descriptions of routes the user can see:
• The points that make up the route in a list on the map, so that when they click on the item to appear sheet
• Route description
• Other relevant information for routes such as: difficult access, access mode, the difficulty route kilometers, as is indicated route, estimated duration, conditions
• The route mapped
• Initial point marked on the map
• How to distribute sheet in social networks

Motor enabling search through all elements of the platform

The creation of this account offers the following advantages:
• Add to Favourites those items you want to consult later
• Rate on a scale of five stars that item you're viewing
• Add those items to make your own route

★ Sort by distance
Order depending on the distance items that appear in the list

★ offline
If the user does not have Internet connection, the application will be fully functional except for audio and video material that they always need Internet connection

★ Download maps
The user can download the map of the territory you are interested to use later when the map has no Internet connection

The compass will indicate the distance to and address the selected item

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 2.3.2+ Gingerbread (API 9)
Other Sources:


This version of Ecoroute Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Aug 26, 2016)

Warning: Undefined array key "ar" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 211

Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 211
Minimum OS
Android 2.3.2+ Gingerbread (API 9)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

If you are looking to download other versions of Ecoroute Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.

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