Aplikasi baru diluncurkan
Januari Effendy, lahir di kota Sumenep 49th lalu. Domisili di Surabaya, pengusaha property, jual beli mobil dan distributor Alat pemurni air hexagonal. Pengalaman di bidang property : developer perumahan dan ruko.
Pria lulusan stiesia sby th 91, jurusan ekonomi ini lahir dari keluarga pegawai negri di Sumenep. Sejak lulus sekolah tinggi, pernah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan asuransi, sales kendaraan, marketing kartu kredit dibeberapa bank ternama.
Saat ini Effendi berkecimpung didunia sosial , pembina salah satu yayasan fakir miskin dan kaum dhuafa, Pembina salah satu mesjid di sumenep. Dan Ketua Umum Yayasan PP Al- Bajigur.
Mengajak kepada kaum muslimin & muslimat untuk lebih memperhatikan keadaan anak-anak yatim, piatu, fakir miskin dan dhuafa”
Membantu meringankan beban hidup anak-anak yatim piatu, yatim dan piatu
Menjadi penghubung antara orang yang berpunya dengan anak-anak yatim piatu, yatim dan piatu melalui pendistribusian dana infak dan sodaqoh
Membantu mewujudkan impian anak-anak yatim, piatu, fakir miskin dan dhuafa dalam hal pendidikan.
Menyantuni anak yatim, piatu, fakir miskin dan dhuafa
Berlatih Sabar
Berlatih Ikhlas
Berlatih Istiqomah
Mencari Ridlo Allah SWTJanuary Effendy, was born in the 49th Sumenep city. Domicile in Surabaya, the property entrepreneur, buying and selling cars and distributor of hexagonal water purifying device. Experience in the field of property: residential developers and storefronts.
Men's 91 th sby stiesia graduate, majoring in economics was born from a family of public servants in Sumenep. Since graduating from high school, worked at several insurance companies, car sales, credit card marketing some well-known bank.
Currently the Effendi dive the world of social, coaches one of the foundations needy and the poor, one of the Trustees of the mosque in Sumenep. And Chairman of the Foundation PP Al Bajigur.
Invited to the Muslims & muslimat to pay more attention to the state of orphans, orphan, the poor and the needy "
Help ease the burden of orphaned children, orphans and strays
The link between the haves with orphaned children, orphans and strays through the distribution of funds infak and sodaqoh
Help realize the dream of orphans, orphan, poor and needy in terms of education.
Sympathize orphans, orphan, poor and orphans
practicing Patience
practicing Ikhlas
practicing Istiqomah
Looking Ridlo Allah
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