UI and Performance improvement.
Be a Smart Investor, Trade on the Go from FBBroking Mobile App. Don't miss a Trading moment. Buy & Sell Stocks/Futures, Track your investments, Withdraw funds & Stay updated with the Market Movement from wherever you are.
Investing does not need to be complicated or confusing. We have made it simple for you. Enjoy the seamless investing on India's Leading Paperless Investing Platform.
Download our app for free and start your investment journey in minutes.
Invest At Your Own Will From Wherever You Are
Be it on the Web or on Mobile App, FundzBazar Broking offers you seamless investing experience with Power of technology and simplicity
Research, Trading Ideas & Market Reports
Be an informed investor with support from our rigorous research reports and trading strategies.
Stock SIP - The Systematic Way To Invest & Build Portfolio
Small is Beautiful. You do not need a big corpus to build a portfolio. Invest in small amount and buy your choice of stocks in a disciplined manner through Fortnightly/Monthly SIP
Portfolio Management Tools
Generate real time portfolio reports like Ledger, Holding, Gain/Loss reports, etc to manage & access the portfolio of your family
Convenient Withdrawals
Benefit from easy, fast and safe financial transactions at the time of investing and during withdrawals through our robust payment system.
Wide variety of offerings
Invest in Stocks, trade in F&O segment, Subscribe to IPOs, Invest in Stocks through Fortnightly/Monthly SIPs, Invest in ETFs, Invest in Smallcase and much more
Other Features
Smart Dashboard with Real-time market data and stock screeners
Stock Pledge facility through DDPI
Fundamental & Technical Analysis tools and charts
Intraday and Delivery option to trade in F&O segment
FBBroking App helps you to stay updated with live Markets, research based stock discovery, News/Insights related to Market, Corporate, Economy & Special Report
Now Join, Get onboard and start your Investing journey with FundzBazar…
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