Minor update to help eliminate crashes
I am a licensed architect and, as you can imagine, I work with feet and inch numbers all of the time. I looked at many feet and inch calculators and could not find one that worked the way I work when calculating feet and inch numbers. When I enter a number into a calculator, I want the flexibility to use a number that is feet and fractional inches, or feet and decimal feet, or feet and decimal inches - basically, however I feel is correct for the number I'm about to enter. I get frustrated (irritated really) when I have to enter a number in the format in which the calculator works - I feel the calculator should work the way I work.
I also want the numbers displayed the way I want. I prefer feet and decimal inches. I may be the only person that feels this way but, for me, it really helps me work with the numbers easily which helps get my projects done correctly.
Since I could not find a feet and inch calculator that worked my way, I decided to make one. And here is is.
This is just a regular calculator that also allows you to work with feet and inch numbers. You can easily add, subtract, divide, or multiply feet and inch numbers as well as non-feet and inch (scalar) numbers. I've tried to make it as easy as possible to use the calculator.
First, you can enter feet and inch numbers in a more natural way. For example:
Regular feet and inch numbers: 1'2", or 1'2 1/2", or 1'2.5", or 1'1/2" or 2'.5", all work.
Or you can enter just feet: 1', or 1 1/2', or 1.5', or 1/2', or .5', all of these work.
Or you can enter just inches: 1", or 1 1/2", or 1.5", or 1/2", or .5", all of these work too.
By using the number format setting and the number precision settings, you can easily have the foot-inch numbers displayed in a way that suits your needs. Also, it is easy to switch to a temporary number format by simply tapping the number display.
A couple of notes about entering feet and inch numbers:
1. If you enter a foot mark ('), the inch mark is optional.
2. A space (└┘) is not needed between the foot and inch numbers.
3. A space (└┘) is required between everything and a fraction.
For this version, I have not included area calculations. This means that when you multiply a foot inch number with another foot inch number the answer is not square feet or square inches. To prevent errors, I made it work such that, when two foot inch numbers are multiplied together, the second number is assumed to be a scalar number and the answer is based on this. For example: 9' times 9" equals 81', and 9" times 9' is 81" (6'9"). A future release will add area calculations as well as volume calculations.
This version of Feet Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Feet Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.