Infra change
FindMe! helps you to locate your family and friends whenever and wherever they are!
No more worried parents, couples or friends, with FindMe! you just share your location individually with each of your Facebook friends that you want for the amount of time that you want. By sharing your location with your friends you are giving them the access to track your last live reported location.
FindMe! it's the perfect solution to keep safe teenagers from nowadays dangers by knowing when and where they are right now without the need of constant texting. It keeps teens safe and it gives peace of minds to parents.
FindMe! also works to solve trust issues in relationships. By both parts of the couple sharing their location with each significant other and the capacity to know when each part is sharing their location with each other, no more lies about where you are right now will work. FindMe! unmasks cheaters by revealing their live location.
FindMe! is the perfect solution to guide lost friends. By knowing the other friend location you just need to tap his image in the friend map view and press the directions button to get directions from your current position to your friend position.
FindMe! works using the latest GPS location technology used by android. The accuracy is based on the device accuracy and on the location service that is used, if the battery saver location service is used the location will not be as accurate as the high precision or only device location service.
This version of FindMe! Find my Friends! Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of FindMe! Find my Friends! Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.