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Fitvit is an application consisting all the required features for fitness and sports enthusiasts with just a single click. When it comes to exploring the best possible options nearby or globally, Fitvit application provides you the credible resources around. One needing assistance for all the sports & recreational activities in a particular region and then connect to the services providers or individuals can easily manage everything on its own.
Some of the major features of the application are:
- Map: One can look at the entire globe to search all the sports and recreational activities being organized around in Fitvit.
- Chat: The user can connect to services provider and directly chat once the request is approved.
- Track: Fitvit users can track each others' location and track down each other to meet their purpose.
- Notification: Fitvit users get notification instantly once their profile is updated with any request from other users.
- Profile: Users can create their profile and use it for exploring and expanding their profiles for productive businesses.
- Discovery: This feature allows Fitvit users to discover individuals as well as recreational organizations around them through a filter that can be customized by them.
Fitvit allows to browse all the below-listed sports:
Fitvit is helpful to all those who either look around for best matches in required services across a region and for those who can deliver an acute response to sports enthusiasts meeting what exactly they need.
When it comes to assistance to exploring all your needs related to all the sporting activities and culture anywhere, you can look into the application right away with a single click and navigate anything with best user functionalities and experience.
Fitvit provides not only an assistance to its users but is a vision towards creating a place where sports lovers can connect with each other making the society better in terms of developing interests, awareness, and association productive enough having uttermost benefits for each other.
This version of fitvit Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of fitvit Android App, We have 3 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.