Free Recharge and Data App provides mobile recharge, TopUps, Balance and Data for free.
Just download an app from Free Recharge and Data to earn mobile recharge, TopUps, Balance and Data for free that you could use to redeem free mobile recharge talktime instantly.
You will never have to pay for your mobile recharge again. We Supports mobile recharge for all mobile networks no matter in which corner of India you are, we have operators like Paytm, Mobikwik, Airtel Money, Airtel, Idea, VodaFone, Reliance, Jio, Telenor etc!
How to recharge mobile using Free Recharge and Data?
★ Install Free Recharge and Data app into your mobile.
★ Go inside offers, follow instructions and earn free recharge
★ Amount will credited into your wallet.
★ Use wallet amount for fill talktime into any mobile.
Key Features:
★ Instant free mobile recharge across all operators in India.
★ Refer friends through Whatsapp, Facebook, twitter or Email and earn extra.
★ Take a look time and again for "special offers" - we also usually send out notifications for these!
If you have any issues please contact
This version of Free Recharge and Data Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Free Recharge and Data Android App, We have 7 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.