Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,
Imam Nawawi's Forty Hadith: Nawawi's Forty (sc. “Forty Hadith”, in Arabic: al-arbaʿīn al-nawawiyyah) is a compilation of forty hadiths by Imam al-Nawawi, most of which are from Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari. This collection of hadith has been particularly valued over the centuries because it is a distillation, by one of the most eminent and revered authorities in Islamic jurisprudence, of the foundations of Islamic sacred law or Sharīʿah. In putting together this collection, it was the author's explicit aim that “each hadith is a great fundament (qāʿida ʿaẓīma) of the religion, described by the religious scholars as being ‘the axis of Islam’ or ‘the half of Islam’ or ‘the third of it’ or the like, and to make it a rule that these forty hadith be classified as sound (ṣaḥīḥ).” This work is the most representative of the arbaʿīniyyāt genre of hadith. Referenced (Wikipedia)
Wannan application ne domin kawo muku kammalallen karatun fassarar littafin Arba'una Hadith An Nawawi tare da Sheikh Ja'afar Mahmud Adam. Wannan manhajja na bukatar a kunna data domin tayi aiki.
Akwai sauran manhajjoji da suka kawo muku karatun Arbauna Hadeeth tare da malam Jaafar kuma basa bukatar data domin suyi aiki sai dai sunyi nauyi sosai kuma karar sautin dake ciki bashi da karfi sosai. Wannan shine yasa muka kawo muku wannan sabuwar manhajja don sake kawo muku kammalallen karatun arbauna hadis na sheikh jafar a waje daya mai kyakkyawan karar sauti.
Bayan Arbaun Hadith sheik jafar, akwai sauran karatuttuka kamarsu:
Siffatus Salatin Nabiyyi
Bulughul Maram malam Jafar
Riyadus Salihin
Umdatul ahkam
Kitab Tauhid da dai sauransu.
Idan kunji dadin wannan manhajja kada ku manta kuyi sharing dinta da sauran yanuwa musulmai. Allah ya karba mana gaba daya.
Idan kun sami wani kuskure ko kuna son bayar da wata shawara game da wannan manhajja ko wata manhajja daban, to zaku iya aiko da sako na kai tsaye tayin amfani da email din developer.
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
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