Presented as a wacky television game show, Game Changer throws its eager contestants onto a short, but ever-changing obstacle course. Before each run, contestants will spin the official Wheel of Change and receive a random modification to the course. Whether it’s hurricanes, robots, crazy gnomes or even exploding penguins, a wide variety of surprising and entertaining game changers ensure that no two runs are ever the same!
Game Changer is a DADIU 2015 production.
Credits In alphabetical order:
Art Director: Joachim Brüel Gerber
Lead Programmer: Andrei Vlad Constantin
Programmer: Richard Cupit
Game Director: Lowe Haak
Animator: Desirée Hälinen
Pipeline Programmer: Mathias Jensen
Programmer: Jákup Klein
Project Manager: Peter Skov Klitgaard Madsen
QA/UX Manager: Nicolaj Stuart Lykkegaard
Programmer: Kristian Moesgaard
Audio Designer: Henrik Dahl Nielsen
QA Programmer: Jacob Nygaard
Lead QA/UX Manager: Philip Hundevad Nymann
CG Artist: Stig Bødtker Petersen
Game Designer: Henrik Ravn
Level Designer: Andreas Møller Thomsen
CG Artist: Christina Lærke Wiberg
QA/UX Manager: Jens Beyer Østergaard
This version of Game Changer Android Game comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Game Changer Android Game, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.