Gudang Hukum Indonesia 1.8.1 Icon

Gudang Hukum Indonesia

Gadgetium Books & Reference
2.8K Ratings
Feb 20, 2017
release date
4.0 MB
file size

What's New

Version 1.8.x:

Perubahan visual.

Perbaikan proses unduh UU.

Perbaikan koneksi server, kurangi resiko gagal connect.

Tambah fitur list of top search

About Gudang Hukum Indonesia Android App

Aplikasi Gudang Hukum adalah aplikasi koleksi pustaka hukum dan undang-undang di Indonesia. Jumlah pustaka akan ditambah setiap rilis aplikasi. Pustaka bisa dibaca secara offline setelah proses download UU selesai. Tidak perlu lagi install 1 aplikasi yang isinya 1 kitab hukum, semua (akan) ada di aplikasi Gudang Hukum.

Aplikasi dilengkapi fungsi pencarian kata dalam kitab hukum yang sudah terunduh (contoh: "seumur hidup", "tipu", "pidana mati", dll), gratis 3x pencarian sehari.

1. Search: cari kata kunci ke semua UU, akan menampilkan pasal dan ayat yang berhubungan dengan kata kunci yang dicari di setiap UU (yang sudah diunduh).
2. Katalog UU: baca isi UU, terdapat subfitur
 a. Tombol Unduh(download): aplikasi akan mendeteksi UU yang belum terunduh dan otomatis mengunduh yang belum terunduh. UU terunduh ditandai dengan warna hijau.
 b. Highlight keyword: tandai kata kunci.
 c. Bisa salin (copy) data pasal/ayat (untuk di paste ke aplikasi lain), atau lebih canggih lagi. Cara : tekan lama pada pasal/ayat yang ingin disalin. pilih menu 'copy/salin'
 d. Bisa share(bagikan) pasal/ayat ke aplikasi lain (untuk di email, chatting, dsb). Cara: sama dengan point b, pilih menu 'share/bagikan'.

Kitab Hukum dan Perundangan yang sudah terdaftar antara lain:  UUD 1945, KUHP, KUHAP, KUHPerdata, UU ITE, UU KPK, UU Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan, UU Perkeretaapian, UU Pelayaran UU Penerbangan, UU Mahkamah Konstitusi, UU Migas,UU Pertambangan Minerba, UU Narkotika UU Pengadilan Tipikor, UU Perlindungan Konsumen, UU Ketenagakerjaan dan masih banyak lainnya.

1. Tab Kiri untuk search
2. Tab Kanan berisi daftar UU dengan status sudah terunduh atau belum. Di awal list berisi sedikit UU.
3. Tekan tombol Unduh di atas daftar UU, maka akan download semua UU. Pastikan koneksi internet ada.

Premium upgrades memberikan fasilitas:
1. tanpa iklan.
2. search unlimited. Dari halaman utama, bisa mencari pasal/ayat yang berhubungan dengan kata kunci yang di cari di SEMUA UU yang sudah terunduh.
3. highlight unlimited. Dari halaman bacaan UU, fungsi seach akan me-highligh kata kunci dalam 1 UU yang sedang dibuka.

- Minta tambah hukum/uu/perpu/permen tertentu?
Silakan minta di halaman review Google Play ini. Kami akan prioritaskan hukum dan perundangan yang paling banyak diminta.
- Minta akses search lebih dari limit (3x per hari)
Silakan membeli premium upgrades.
- Saya sudah bayar upgrade premium, kenapa masih ada iklan dan batasan pencarian?
Silakan kontak ke [email protected] dan berikan nomor order. Pembayaran di-manage oleh Google dan validasi pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit sangat ketat. Lebih dari 1/3 pembayaran DITOLAK oleh Google. Kami bisa cek status pembayaran melalui nomor order yang diberikan.
- Kenapa perlu (sign in) Google+ ?
Aplikasi menggunakan +1 button untuk fitur rekomendasi dan user dapat mengetahui teman yang menggunakan aplikasi Gudang Hukum.
- Minta iklan dihapus?
Iklan adalah sponsor aplikasi gratis. Iklan bisa dihapus dengan membeli premium upgrades.
- Ada beberapa UU yang gagal download bagaimana cara penanganannya?
Keluar dari aplikasi, dan jalankan kembali aplikasi Gudang Hukum. Klik tombol download, aplikasi otomatis memeriksa UU yang belum terunduh dan akan mengunduhkannya dari server kami.
- kenapa gagal download terus?
 Coba gunakan jaringan internet operator lain (misal gunakan wifi), coba lakukan download pada saat traffic server kami sedang lowest utilization (jam 3-5 pagi), coba lakukan point di atas(restart app atau reinstall app).
- Kenapa download nya tidak penuh, content hanya sebagian?
Pada saat baca UU, di atas isi UU seharusnya terdapat judul buku atau bab. Dikarenakan ada bug terbaru dari Google, judul itu tidak muncul. Bug ini sudah diperbaiki di aplikasi versi 1.6.2Warehouse Application of Law is the application of the law library collections and laws in Indonesia. Number of libraries will be added every release the application. Reader can read offline after the download is complete Act. No longer need to install one application contents first book of the law, all (will be) in the Warehouse application of Law.

Applications include word search function in the book of the law that has been downloaded (example: "lifetime", the "trickery", "the death penalty", etc.), 3x free searches a day.

1. Search: search keywords to all laws, will show you chapter and verse related to the searched keywords in each Act (which has already been downloaded).
2. Act catalog: read the content of the law, there subfitur
a. Download button (download): the application will detect the Act which have not been downloaded and automatically download that has not been downloaded. Law downloads marked in green.
b. Highlight keywords: mark keywords.
c. Can copy (copy) Data chapter / verse (to be pasted into another application), or more sophisticated. Method: long press the chapter / verse you want to copy. select the 'copy / copy'
d. Can share (share) chapter / verse to another application (for email, chat, etc.). How to: equal to point b, select the 'share / share'.

Book of the Law and Legislation is already listed, among others: the 1945 Constitution, the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Code, the ITE Law, the KPK Law, Law on Traffic and Road Transportation Law Railways, Shipping Law Aviation Law, the Law on the Constitutional Court, Oil and Gas Law, Mining Law Mining , the Narcotics Act Corruption Court Law, Consumer Protection Law, Labor Law, and many more.

1. Left Tab to search
2. Right tab lists the status of Law has been downloaded or not. In the beginning of the list contains few laws.
3. Press the Download button at the top of the list of the Act, it will download all the laws. Make sure there is an internet connection.

Premium upgrades provide the facility:
1. without ads.
2. unlimited search. From the main page, can search for chapter / verse related keywords in the search on ALL the laws that have been downloaded.
3. highlights unlimited. From the pages of reading law, the function will seach me-highligh keywords in one law that is being opened.

- Request plus legal / uu / perpu / certain candy?
Please request on Google Play's review page. We will prioritize the laws and regulations of our most requested.
- Have access to search over limit (3x per day)
Please buy premium upgrades.
- I have already paid a premium upgrade, why still no advertising and search restrictions?
Please contact to [email protected] and give your order number. Paying be managed by Google and validation of the payment by credit card is very tight. More than 1/3 DENIED payments by Google. We can check the status of payments through an order number given.
- Why should (sign in) Google+?
Applications using the +1 button for the feature on and users can find friends who use the app Warehouse Law.
- Request ads removed?
Advertising is a sponsor free application. Ads can be removed by buying premium upgrades.
- There are several laws that fail to download how to handle?
Exit the application and restart the application Warehouse Law. Click the download button, the application automatically checks the Act which have not been downloaded and will mengunduhkannya from our server.
- Why the download failed on?
Try using another Internet network operator (eg use wifi), try downloading at the moment we're cancel traffic server utilization (hours 3-5 am), try to do the above points (restart app or reinstall the app).
- Why was not fully downloaded, the content is only partially?
At the time of reading the law, above the content of the law there should be a book title or chapter. Because there are bugs from Google, the title does not appear. This bug has been fixed in version 1.6.2 app

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 3.0+ (Honeycomb, API 11)
Other Sources:


This version of Gudang Hukum Indonesia Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Feb 20, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 3.0+ (Honeycomb, API 11)
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)