Healthy Face watchface application for phone and smartwatch
In your Healthy Face you will see digital time, and 3 circles for:
Calories burned Today
Today’s Heart Rates
Today’s Steps
Calories are calculated by your age, sex, weight and current activity information. So to be able to calculate your calories you should fill "Personal Info” section from your phone’s Healthy Face application under Android Wear application.
For calorie calculations I have used multiple online formulas. Its accuracy was tested on multiple scenarios.
Heart Rates are calculated from your watch’s heart rate sensor, which placed on its back. Its as accurate as your watch brand's accuracy. Please press and hold the Healthy Face screen in first usage to grand body sensor acess.
Steps are calculated from your watch’s motion sensor. Its as accurate as your watch brand's accuracy.
Also from phone, you can see your activities throughout the day. They are:
- Still
- Walking
- Running
- Cycling
- Driving
- Tilting
From phone’s Healthy Face application under Android Wear you can customize your watch face.
- You can add Date on screen
- Change time, calorie, heart rate, step places on screen
- Change background color (You can also change it from your Healthy Face)
Compatible to Android Wear 2.0
New updates are on the way!
Don’t hesitate to contact for any suggestions, errors or critics:
This version of Healthy Watch Face Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Healthy Watch Face Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.