- Weight & Body Composition Data
- Trend Interpretation
- Diet & Exercise Advice
- Create and Manage Family User Accounts
HealthPal is the ideal companion in your weight management. This app can track and interpret multiple body composition data(BMI, Body Fat Rate, Muscle Mass,etc). It will give you personalized diet and exercise advice which are based on the interpretation of your body composition data.You can check trends in weight, Body Fat Rate and BMI. You can also create multiple family accounts, and this app will intelligently identify family members and distribute data.
Weight & Body Composition Data
This app can show and interpret your weight and body composition data, as well as point out the variation of each data through comparison.You can set weight goal according to the measured data.
Trend Interpretation
This app will automatically track your weight and Body Fat Rate to form a trend chart. You can check long-term trends in weight, Body Fat Rate and BMI. There are also interpretations of weight and Body Fat Rate.
Diet & Exercise Advice
Through the scientific interpretation of your body composition data, personalized diet and exercise advice will be provided for you.
Create and Manage Family User Accounts
This app supports users to create and manage multiple family accounts, your and your family's data will be separated. It will intelligently distribute data.
This version of Hey HealthPal Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Hey HealthPal Android App, We have 2 versions in our database. Please select one of them below to download.