Bug fixes.
ICES, la aplicación que te conecta directamente con el pasajero.
Baja la aplicación, date de alta y empieza a recibir los beneficios de ser un conductor ICES.
Recuerda que para activar tu registro, deberás entregar una serie de documentos que nos permitirán llevar el control de cada conductor, pero sobre todo que tus pasajeros te conozcan antes de tu llegada.
La seguridad es parte de nuestro objetivo y tú eres parte de la seguridad de nuestros pasajeros.
Para mayor información: informes@icesmexico.orgICES, the application that connects you directly to the passenger.
Baja application, sign up and start receiving the benefits of being an ICES conductor.
Remember to activate your registration, you must submit a series of documents that will allow us to keep track of each driver, but especially your passengers know you before your arrival.
Safety is part of our goal and you are part of the safety of our passengers.
For more information: informes@icesmexico.org
This version of ICES DRIVER Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of ICES DRIVER Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.