• Kamar mandi merupakan salah satu ruangan paling privat didalam rumah. Disana anda akan menghabiskan waktu untuk buang air kecil dan buang air besar, serta membersihkan tubuh anda.
• Jika kamarmandi dibuat secara asal-asalan, anda akan merasa tidak nyaman didalam kamar mandi, sehingga anda tidak begitu memperhatikan kebersihan tubuh anda.
• Oleh sebab itu kami hadirkan aplikasi “ Ide desain kamar mandi minimalis”, sehingga anda dapat menjadikannya inspirasi untuk mendisain kamar mandi anda senyaman mungkin.
• Semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk yang membutuhkan. Terima kasih.
• Kritik dan saran
• Email : siger.pogo@gmail.com• The bathroom is one of the most private room in the house. There you will spend the time to urinate and defecate, and cleanse your body.
• If the bathroom is made at random, you would feel uncomfortable in the bathroom, so you do not really pay attention to the cleanliness of your body.
• Therefore, we present the application "minimalist bathroom design idea", so that you can make it an inspiration to design your bathroom as comfortable as possible.
• Hopefully this application is useful for those in need. thanks.
• Criticism and suggestions
• Email: siger.pogo@gmail.com
This version of Ide Desain Kamar Mandi Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.
If you are looking to download other versions of Ide Desain Kamar Mandi Android App, We have 1 version in our database. Please select one of them below to download.