Ceramah Ustadz Somad Lc,MA Terbaru MP3 1.0 Icon

Ceramah Ustadz Somad Lc,MA Terbaru MP3

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1.2K Ratings
Jul 24, 2017
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23.0 MB
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About Ceramah Ustadz Somad Lc,MA Terbaru MP3 Android App

Tentang Ustadz Abdul Somad
1. Ustadz Abdul Somad adalah tokoh lokal dari Riau yang menjadi terkenal se-Indonesia karena banyak video ceramahnya yang viral.

2. Beliau asli Ustadz, sudah S2 di bidang agama, lulusan Al Azhar Kairo dan S2 di Maroko pula. Jadi dari segi ilmu, beliau sangat berkompeten.

3. Beliau adalah “hasil kawin silang” antara ustadz lucu dan ustadz berkualitas. Selama ini kedua jenis ustadz tersebut seperti air dan minyak. Tak mungkin bersatu.

Namun Ustadz Abdul Somad berhasil mengawinkan keduanya. Ceramah-ceramah beliau selain “bergizi tinggi”, juga enak didengar, dan porsi lucunya pun sewajarnya saja. Tidak berlebihan.

4. Gayanya sangat sederhana.

5. Beliau bukan tipe ustaz kharismatik. Masyarakat menghormati beliau karena ilmunya, bukan karena kharismanya.

6. Beliau juga bukan tipe ustadz stereotif (maksudnya kelihatan banget gayanya seperti ustadz pada umumnya). Gaya beliau biasa saja. Seperti orang kebanyakan.

Mendengar ceramah beliau, kita seperti mendengar ucapan orang biasa yang kebetulan pintar di bidang agama.

7. Banyak yang menyebut ustadz Abdul Somad sebagai pengganti K.H. Zainuddin MZ. Dari segi popularitas bolehlah. Namun dari segi karakter, keduanya sangat jauh berbeda.

Disni juga Kami Menambahkan :
- Ceramah Lucu Terbaru Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA Di Hadapan Polisi
- Lucu!!! Ceramah Ustadz Abdul Somad - Berguru Kepada Syeikh Google (Part 01)
- Ceramah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Part 01) - Ceramah Ust Abdul Somad Terbaru
- Ceramah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Part 02) - Ceramah Ust Abdul Somad Terbaru
- Ceramah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Bermacam-macam ujian yang dihadapi)
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA, 100% Lucu
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc Kisah Lucu Saat Mendaftar Jadi Dosen
- Ceramah Lucu Ust Abdul Somad Lc MA Di Kediaman Ust Solmed
- Ceramah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA, Dijamin Bikin Ngakak
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Kisah Lucu Saat Kuliah Tidak Dapat Pacar, Kalah saing
- Ceramah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad - 3 Penyakit Laki - Laki
- Ustadz Abdul Somad, Lc || Ceramah Lucu "PEMUDA & AKHIR ZAMAN" 5
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad : Kisah Israel dan Yahudi
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Tentang Dukun & Ilmu Santet LUCU BANGET
- Ceramah Lucu Terbaru Juni 2017 Ust. Abdul Somad Lc. MA - Tentang Hari Raya
- Ceramah Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Tentang Celana Legging Wanita SUPER LUCU
- Ceramah Kisah Lucu Ustadz Abdul Somad Waktu Kuliah di Mesir bugis no29 manasik haji dr h dasad latif s ag sos msi
- Ceramah ust das ad di tawau 2015 1
- Ceramah ustazd dasad latif tentang penyakit hati part1
- Ceramah agama - maulid nabi muhammad saw berbahasa bugis - kocak
- Ceramah lucu bugis dasad latif - shalat mencegah perbuatan keji dan mungkar
- Ceramah bugis no03 bokong temmawari ust dr h dasad latif s ag sos msi
- Ceramah ustaz hm dasad latief gila
- Ustadz dasad latif
- Ustadz dasad latif 2016 - kebiasaan yang membuat kita berbeda
- Ceramah bugis makassar yang bikin ngakak dr h dasad latif s ag sos msi
- Dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya dan akan ada update terbaru setiap harinya
- Profil & Biodata Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc. MA
- Kajian MP3 Pilihan Terbaik
- Video Kajian Pilihan
- Wirid & Amalan
- Sholawat
- Ratib
- Kitab Maulid
- Zikir
- Jadwal Sholat
- Dll

Tolong beri kami Saran dan masukan untuk perkembangan Aplikasi Ini, Berikan Nilai Rate 5 untuk menumbuhkan rasa semangat pada kami untuk membuat aplikasi-aplikasi bermanfaat lainnya.About Ustadz Abdul Somad
1. Ustadz Abdul Somad is a local character of Riau who became famous in Indonesia for many viral video lecture.

2. The original He Ustadz, already S2 in the field of religion, a graduate of Al Azhar in Cairo and S2 in Morocco anyway. So in terms of science, he was very talented.

3. He is "the result of crossbreeding" between the chaplain and chaplain humorous quality. During these two types of chaplain such as water and oil. There's no way unified.

However Ustadz Abdul Somad managed to marry the two. His lectures in addition to "high nutrition", is also good to hear, and the portion was reasonable only funny thing. Not excessive.

4. The style is very simple.

5. He is not the type of charismatic preachers. Society respect him because of his knowledge, not because of his charisma.

6. He is also not the type of the cleric stereotypes (that looks really his style as chaplain in general). His style mediocre. Like most people.

Hear his lectures, we like to hear words of ordinary people who happened to be smart in the field of religion.

7. Many cite cleric Abdul Somad lieu K.H. Zainuddin MZ. In terms of the popularity of so-so. But in terms of character, both are very much different.

We also Disni Add:
- Lectures Latest Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA Before The Police
- Funny !!! Lectures Ustadz Abdul Somad - Studied To Shaykh Google (Part 01)
- Talks Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Part 01) - Ust Abdul Somad Recent Lectures
- Talks Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Part 02) - Ust Abdul Somad Recent Lectures
- Talks Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA (Miscellaneous exams faced)
- Lecture Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA, 100% Funny
- Lecture Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc Kocak Funny Story When Signed a Teacher
- Talks Funny Ust Abdul Somad Lc MA In Ust residence Solmed
- Talks Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc MA, Guaranteed to Make Ngakak
- Lecture Ustadz Abdul Somad Laugh At Funny Story Subject Can not Be boyfriend, Lost competitiveness
- Talks Funny Ustadz Abdul Somad - 3 Diseases Male - Male
- CUTE! FAQs Ustad Abdul Somad LC. part 1
- Ustadz Abdul Somad, Lc || Funny Lecture "YOUTH & end times" 5
- Lecture Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad: The Story of Israel and Jews
- Lecture Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad About Psychics & Science Witchcraft SO FUNNY
- Lectures Latest Funny Ust June 2017. Abdul Somad Lc. MA - On the Feast
- Lecture Kocak Ustadz Abdul Somad On Women Leggings Pants SUPER CUTE
- Lecture Ustadz Abdul Somad Funny Story Lecture time in Egypt Bugis No29 rituals of Hajj Dr. Latif s h dasad ag sos msi
- Lecture ust das ad in tawau 2015 1
- Lecture ustazd dasad Latif of liver disease part1
- Lecture religion - birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW Bugis language - hilarious
- Lecture funny Bugis dasad Latif - prayer prevents shameful and unjust deeds
- Lecture Bugis no03 buttocks temmawari ust dasad Latif s h dr ag sos msi
- Lecture ust dasad hm crazy latief
- Ustadz dasad Latif
- Ustad Latif dasad 2016 - habits that make us different
- Lecture Bugis Makassar that makes ngakak Dr. Latif s h dasad ag sos msi
- And many more that others and there will be the latest updates every day
- Profile & Biography Ustadz Abdul Somad Lc. MA
- Study MP3 Best Choice
- Video Study Options
- Wirid & Practice
- sholawat
- Ratib
- The Book of Mawlid
- Recitation
- Schedule
- Etc

Please give us advice and input to the development of this application, Give Value Rate 5 to foster a sense of passion on us to make other useful applications.

Other Information:

Requires Android:
Android 4.0.3+ Ice Cream Sandwich MR1 (API 15)
Other Sources:


This version of Ceramah Ustadz Somad Lc,MA Terbaru MP3 Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Jul 24, 2017)
Minimum OS
Android 4.0.3+ Ice Cream Sandwich MR1 (API 15)
Screen DPI
nodpi (all screens)