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IndoFengShui 1.0 APK Download for Android
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Indofe News & Magazines
44 Ratings
Jul 06, 2017
release date
6.6 MB
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About IndoFengShui Android App

Indo feng shui online di Indonesia sejak tahun 2006. Master indofengshui.com memulai bisnis di industri perhiasan dari tanpa modal dan sukses membangun pabrik yang eksis sampai sekarang. Feng shui adalah ilmu hidup yang dipakai Master dalam menuju level pengusaha. Master Made Sandiago mengatakan bahwa dalam praktek feng shui kita harus sabar dan terus belajar serta mengamati apa yang kurang dalam praktek. Lakukan sedikit-sedikit sampai menunjukkan hasil. Ikuti saja aturannya dan jangan ditawar-tawar (bisa nggak begini? Bisa nggak begitu?). Sering para klien setelah mencapai sukses lupa bahwa mereka menerapkan feng shui dan kemudian merenovasi rumah tanpa merujuk kepada feng shui dan akhirnya jatuh bangkrut!. Sangat penting memiliki buku kecil dan buat catatan praktek. Kalau ada perubahan tanpa sengaja gampang untuk mengembalikan ke posisi saat beruntung.

Feng Shui terdiri dari tiga nasib, yaitu: Nasib Bumi (feng shui), Nasib Manusia (skill) dan Nasib Langit (Tuhan). Master seorang yang gemar meditasi sejak tahun 1985 dan saat ini mempraktekkan feng shui Nasib Langit atau kedekatan dengan aspek Ilahi dan kerap mendapat petunjuk-petunjuk dari Devine. Kalau Nasib Langit kita kurang maka lakukan upaya do’a dan meningkatkan Nasib Manusia, skill. Kalau skill sudah luar biasa namun belum sukses maka kita perlu Nasib Bumi atau feng shui. Setelah sukses tetap perlu feng shui, untuk mempertahankan kesuksesan tersebut.

Mungkin Anda mendengar feng shui selama ini adalah hanya dari aspek kekayaan saja. Mendengar kata feng shui berarti mencari kekayaan. Feng shui adalah ilmu yang mencakup seluruh aspek kehidupan. Pendekatan praktek sangat banyak dan salah satunya adalah Feng shui arah mata angin yang membahas setiap arah mata angin rumah yang berpengaruh mulai dari kesehatan, keamanan, umur panjang, bisnis, pendidikan, kekayaan, popularitas, pengakuan, menghindari gosip, keharmonisan keluarga, jodoh, dan lain-lain.
Praktek feng shui sangat berkaitan dengan simbol-simbol, sekali lagi Master berhasil mewujudkan usaha pabrikasi simbol-simbol feng shui tersebut yang bisa Anda temukan pada setiap link dalam artikel yang tayang.

ramalan feng shui indonesia, ramalan shio, feng shui indonesiaIndo feng shui online in Indonesia since 2006. Master indofengshui.com starting a business in jewelry industry without capital and the successful build factories that existed until now. Feng shui is a science of life that used the Master in towards the entrepreneur. Master Made Sandiago said that the practice of feng shui we must be patient and continue to learn and observe what is lacking in practice. Do a little bit to show results. Just follow the rules and do not be negotiable (can not be? Could not it?). Often the client after achieving success forget that they are applying feng shui and then renovate the home without reference to feng shui and eventually went bankrupt !. Very important to have a small book and make a note of practice. If there is a change accidentally easy to return to the current position of luck.

Feng Shui consists of three fortune, namely: Fate of the Earth (feng shui), Human Fate (skill) and the Fate of Heaven (God). Master an avid meditation since 1985 and is currently practicing feng shui fate of the sky or proximity to the divine aspect and often received instructions from Devine. If we lack the fate of the sky did attempt prayers and improve human fate, skill. If the skill has been remarkable but has not been successful then we need Fate of the Earth, or feng shui. After a successful still need to feng shui, to maintain that success.

Maybe you heard of feng shui for it is only from the aspect of wealth alone. Hearing the words feng shui mean for wealth. Feng shui is the science that covers all aspects of life. Practice approach are many and one of them is Feng shui compass heading that addresses each cardinal direction homes influential ranging from health, safety, long life, business, education, wealth, fame, recognition, avoiding gossip, family harmony, mate, and etc.
The practice of feng shui is associated with symbols, again the Master succeeded in realizing the manufacturing business of feng shui symbols which can be found at every link in the article views.

Indonesia feng shui forecast, forecast zodiac, feng shui Indonesia

Other Information:

Package Name:
Requires Android:
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Other Sources:


This version of IndoFengShui Android App comes with one universal variant which will work on all the Android devices.

(Jul 06, 2017)
arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64
Minimum OS
Android 4.4+ (Kitkat, API 19)
Screen DPI

Warning: Undefined array key "dp" in /home/apkapps/web/jetapk.com/public_html/template/PageApp.php on line 222
nodpi (all screens)

All Versions

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