First app release after resolved some issues
आपल्या विनोदाच्या जोरावर समाजप्रबोधन करत नुसत महाराष्ट्रतच नव्हे तर भारतभर आपल्या किर्तनकार म्हणून आपला वेगळा ठसा ह.भ.प.निवृत्ती महाराज इंदुरीकर यांही उमटवला आहे.
Nivrutra Deshmukh is a humorous Keertan who is familiar with the name of Deshmukh, Deshmukh, Nivrutra Maharaj. B.Sc., B.Ed. After working as a teacher, after some days, he started kirtanas according to the traditions of the family of Warakari. Maharaj is famous as a humorous kirtan and social awakening in Maharashtra today. [1] Indore is a village of Maharaj in Akola taluka of Ahmednagar district. Maharaj is famous as Indorekar on the name of this village. Maharaj keen on ku-rituals in the contemporary society, he is very critical in his humorous style. [2] This is the reason that due to the changes made in time of Kirtan, Maharaj's kirtan is more than the other keertankars
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